There's alot of good info in this thread, most definitely. The OP got attacked for no reason just like me. Seems to be pretty common here. The exact same member was attacking me as well. It makes me sick to see honest people being ridiculed constantly for no reason.

no reason, now that's pretty funny.. :D
Just had to add my two cents here

I placed an order earlier this month and got it just fine...from what I could tell they didn't even open my package. It went through San Francisco.

It's basically flipping a coin when you order seeds. Some packages get searched, some don't. I've never had one seized though, so I wonder if location plays a role.
i've made my first order from attitude a few months back and it was a great experience. they answered my questions the next business day and i received my package within 5 business days. but i did get the stealth shipping with a small tshirt and a nifty yellow tin can.
Why are Sin City $100++ at Attitude and only $60 at Hemp Depot? Thats a huge price difference for the exact same product. Pays to shop around. Im done with the mug shop. I just ordered me some LVBK from the depot and purple kush from BC seed king.
My guess would be that whoever owns Attitude is in it to make money. But hey maybe they are in business just to screw you and make a bunch of money on people that aren't as wise as yourself
I got fkd by fkn w attitude...not once...not twice....three times...then I was promised a refund of money $$ because of all the snagged orders it was pointless and stupid to keeo trying...no shit three in a row....they promised the refund...I waited...n waited.......waited...................waited.......................stil waiting.....months n months have gone by....they nvr responded when I e mailed to ask whats up...I use herbies now...10times better packaging and faster shipping....way faster.....way more stealth....tude wasnt stealth thats a lie....puttin a seed pack in a t shirt isnt stealth
I.wldnt order from a place that has abt 750 ppl complaing abt not receiving on a weekly basis......why risk it....Attitudes fkn shady as fk
Why are Sin City $100++ at Attitude and only $60 at Hemp Depot? Thats a huge price difference for the exact same product. Pays to shop around. Im done with the mug shop. I just ordered me some LVBK from the depot and purple kush from BC seed king.

Yea, and Dutch Passion Blueberry is listed at 218 dollars for a 10 pack, so your point is moot. As a matter of fact, I browsed the whole catalog at Hemp Depot and found almost all strains were about the same price as Attitude and Sea of Seeds.

Sin City is the only breeder that has significantly lower prices at Hemp Depot than other seed banks.

Nice try.

Edit: Upon further comparison, I am finding more strains that are higher in price at Hemp Depot than Attitude or SOS. I think you need glasses my friend. Humboldt for example, every 5 pack is almost 20 dollars more at HD.
for me, it's not to much of a worry who sells beans slightly cheaper. I'll go for the company that gets more beans delivered successfully. It really just comes down to the seedbays being another step ahead of customs, and keeping shipping methods fresh and innovative, as opposed to stagnent, ordinary, and easily detectable.

If I know I'll get my beans in the first shipment, i'll pay a little more. It's much better than saving a few bucks and waiting time and time again for the shipment to hopefully get through.

hit the October promo threw attitude. first order came to Chicago got snagged was a simple tshirt. did the emails back and forth and they shipped again a different type of package and it cruised threw Chicago customs just fine so good luck.
hit the October promo threw attitude. first order came to Chicago got snagged was a simple tshirt. did the emails back and forth and they shipped again a different type of package and it cruised threw Chicago customs just fine so good luck.

Congrats man!!!!! I ordered during their October promo as well. My package has been sitting in Chicago....ISC since Oct. 11th. I doubt it's coming my way. No letter.....nothing. So, I get to contact Attitude on Monday and see just how easy/difficult it will be to get a resend or refund. It they don't switch up their stealth, it'll be like waiting for the electrician....or someone like him...lol. Anyway, good to hear you got your beans!! :peace:
I really think the shirts and mugs and all the "guaranteed" shipping swag increases the chances of a package getting pulled for further inspection because they are bigger and weigh more. I always order with just the tin and the dvd case back when they had that option to keep them from getting crushed and in 20-25 orders, from Attitude alone, over the past 3 1/2 years I've never had an issue with one. Maybe I've just been lucky, but when you use just the tin it is sent as an international letter rather the an international package.
I ordered for the October promo, got snagged by customs in Chicago. Attitude re shipped after just sending them a pic of the package that had been opened by customs. Got the reship about a week later with the October promo beans and the ufo's. The ufo's had changed but who cares. After reading all this shit on here I figured I wouldn't be getting any beans, now I have plenty. Good luck all
Think about this one...........Gov. Pat Quinn today signed a bill legalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes in Illinois that supporters say is the strictest in the nation. Jim Champion, a military veteran from Somonauk who suffers from multiple sclerosis, joined the governor at a bill signing ceremony at the University of Chicago. He told of the relief he gets from marijuana, which his wife indicated allows him to more than cut in half the number of pills he takes. Champion said he is glad he’ll soon no longer be violating the law to get pain relief.

The law takes effect Jan. 1, but state regulators are likely to need months to come up with the rules. That means it could be until next summer before those suffering from 42 illnesses including cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis can legally seek relief through marijuana.

Under the new law, a person could be prescribed no more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana over two weeks. That’s enough to fill two small sandwich bags. In addition, the prescribing doctor must have a prior and ongoing medical relationship with the patient. And a doctor must find that the patient has one of a few dozen serious or chronic conditions for the marijuana to be prescribed.

Patients would have to buy the marijuana from one of 60 dispensing centers throughout the state and would not be allowed to legally grow their own. Workers at dispensing centers would undergo criminal background checks, the stores would be under round-the-clock camera surveillance and users would carry cards that indicate how much they had bought to prevent stockpiling.

Marijuana would be grown inside 22 cultivation centers registered with the state.

The state agriculture, professional regulation and public health agencies need to figure out a way to determine who gets permits to open marijuana growing centers and dispensaries and to determine rules for physicians giving out cards allowing patients to obtain the marijuana.

For years, the measure had failed to gain traction at the Capitol, particularly in the House. But this spring sponsoring Rep. Lou Lang, D-Skokie, was able to cobble together the votes needed to send the bill to the Senate, where a similar but less restrictive bill had passed in previous years.

Quinn had said he’d keep an open mind on the issue and indicated that military veterans who suffered pain might get relief.
yes usa. shippments that come into customs in Chicago ohara are definitely not making it threw.i have been ordering seed for years only up until last month month had problems threw customs in Chicago. it seems when shipments come threw ny customs side and not Chicago I get my order. any shipments that your tracking coming threw n.y will definitely make it like I said I have ordered for years and never had problems coming threw n.y only Chicago. I just had 2 orders taking in a row threw Chicago customs.
yes usa. shippments that come into customs in Chicago ohara are definitely not making it threw.i have been ordering seed for years only up until last month month had problems threw customs in Chicago. it seems when shipments come threw ny customs side and not Chicago I get my order. any shipments that your tracking coming threw n.y will definitely make it like I said I have ordered for years and never had problems coming threw n.y only Chicago. I just had 2 orders taking in a row threw Chicago customs.
Do not use the stealth shipping if you want your package to make it.
T-shirts and mugs are getting snatched left and right.
Letters go right through.
The bottom line is this: it's illegal to ship cannabis seeds in most countries. If the company that you order from takes your money and doesn't ship any seeds, or ships bad/bogus/bunk seeds, then it's a serious issue and the company in question should be called out for it. If they ship proper seeds and the seeds in question get snagged by customs, it is simply the nature of the beast and in no way the fault of the company. Any time you engage in illegal activity you are taking chances, and if you are intelligent enough to understand the definition of the word "chance", then you should understand that it's not always gonna work out in your favor. That being said, best of luck to everyone.

Agreeing with everything else, you posted there, I do disagree with the phrase I highlighted.

You're saying that HOW a bank packages and ships beans has no effect on whether or not they make it through customs, and I just don't think its true. As mentioned above, certain types of contents and packaging (eg coffee mugs from England, ANY small package from Holland, etc) probably act as a "red flag" for customs.

Shippers can do and/or avoid doing certain things to reduce the likelihood of seizure. Some are better at this than others.
This is an old thread and I'm surprised it went this far, but two years later I've not lost a single dime with domestic banks...far better than losing two of six through the tude. I really don't mind that I was attacked for making this thread but I'll never cower from controversy nor he dishonest to provide another with false comfort.