lol they deal with alot of bs from customers like me so I understand the grumpiness kinda. Its just biz n as long as they hold up their end of things they can be as raggy as they want. And you better watch how you say things on here because the Attitude mafia will try n string you up for speaking ill of their favorite shop.

We've already sent Guido after him.
lol they deal with alot of bs from customers like me so I understand the grumpiness kinda. Its just biz n as long as they hold up their end of things they can be as raggy as they want. And you better watch how you say things on here because the Attitude mafia will try n string you up for speaking ill of their favorite shop.
Maybe they should use their tampons for stealth...JK girls. I like em fiesty!!!
It's not just attitude that's having trouble with shipments. Had 2 different orders by different co.
get snatched up by customs. No green tape, just a letter inside " Mail Interception Notice ". Both were to different addresses and different names and used stealth shipping
Well I wouldn't order from seedboutique or seedbay Gypsy just got busted but theirs other good places to order from just sucks about gypsy he was better then attitude.

Funnily enough the only seed order that did not arrive came from the seedboutique. I did get my money back from them. Over the years I have had total success with the Attitude Seedbank and also Hempqc .
As of now im 4/4 success rate with attitude with all packages taking no more then 10 days to arrive.:peace:

Yeah whatever Jodie. Tude used to be my first choice with those great promos...now they're not even an option. Wish they'd care about their customers and completely change the stealth.
Yeah whatever Jodie. Tude used to be my first choice with those great promos...now they're not even an option. Wish they'd care about their customers and completely change the stealth.

OK here is where I decided to stop buying from Attitude for a while: MANY weeks ago, I sent the 'tude a courteous mail stating my concern with the shitty packaging, and how it might be in their best interests to perhaps sharpen it up. It IS losing them business after all. So I get a reply from Jodie, first thanking me for my feedback (that was quite nice of her) and then stating that they are working on different methods and will be sharpening up their packaging. About 8 weeks or so later, I placed an order, and got the same shit quality t-shirt packaged in the same shit quality packaging, once again the seams had come loose on the envelope (third time in a row).

So I felt bullshitted into placing another order with them. NOT. COOL. Hey, I got my beans and all, so I can't bitch about it much, never had an order snagged. But I did not enjoy the ruse, as I never will enjoy being bullshitted. If I had gotten a reply of 'this is how we do it, deal with it' then no problem, I would still have ordered the beans and probably still be ordering from them again in future. I like HONESTY.
Attitude is the ONLY company I have used and I have NEVER had a issue with them and I'm no fan boy I just used them before they changed the site up and before they got super popular and they stayed the same. I always get my shit in the upper north east US, they ship suepr fast I get within 7 days from the UK! never not stupid dea note or anything.

ALTHOUGH! I have heard of people getting their shit taken in teh detriot and chi town area because of ONE GROUP of people leaving candy / notes in your mail doesnt mean attitude sucks
UPDATE. Recieved the blue ox from attitude in 12 days. I have never had a problem with them. Also I never buy the guarantee its a waste of money. They have replaced broken seeds for me before with out a guarantee.
With what...your one lucky "magic bean". People need to see what else is out there. Tude don't give a damn bout your privacy. Nuff said dawg. On the real. Don't holla back cuz I be ignoring that ass.
Attitude is a good company but their stealth is garbage. Customs has stepped up and Attitude is way behind other seed banks. I never had problems with them before either but 3 out of my last 4 orders have been confiscated. Changed to Herbies and they come through no problem. Tossing baggies inside a mug or wrapping them in a t-shirt is a lazy ass way to do stealth shipping. I'll just continue to make them reship those lost orders over and over even if it takes 10 times to get through. If they don't like it then perhaps they should make some changes. Once I finally get them I am done with Attitude for good. The fact is people are having problems with their shipping. Just because some of you got your one little order does not make it "nuff said".
If your attitude is coming in through Chicago your fucked seem to be what all my research been telling me after my order showed up empty w/ the green tape yesterday
If your attitude is coming in through Chicago your fucked seem to be what all my research been telling me after my order showed up empty w/ the green tape yesterday

Never a problem with Attitude and I wonder which company you work for?
The problem is not attitude I think there great an have only order through them. Chicago is busting most if not all there package s.just tried herbies I will let everyone know if it works. The tude is closed for a while so my reship will take too long for me to wait. Anyone know how many times attitude will reship?
You mad bro? Attitude has always been very polite to me and replaced any seeds that were lost or crushed. I have always noticed that people who say they were rude either sent an email with an attitude or they complain about germing issues (which Attitude has no control over).
Just some Info.....I work for USPS..and the packaging Attitude uses is know by the Custom inspectors..last order I made was big so opted for the Stealth shipping...well it came in a big purple bag....well I see these bags going up onto the sorting machine....i grabbed one just to feel it..you knew it was a shirt with contents in it..it was the same as my package...Attitude needs to switch around the packaging....my next order was not with stealth ..it came in a bubble envelope with the tin....to me thats a more common mail entry..the purple bags are a give away
So loquacious you have never had a problem in one post and the next post you've had problems but they took care of it. So what is it. Meowlisten here do you have a link for a US bank that is fast to ship or one you've used I think the US has the best stuff anyway it is kinda funny that I'm hunting for US gear in the UK
So loquacious you have never had a problem in one post and the next post you've had problems but they took care of it. So what is it. Meowlisten here do you have a link for a US bank that is fast to ship or one you've used I think the US has the best stuff anyway it is kinda funny that I'm hunting for US gear in the UK

A problem with confiscation! I have had crushed seeds and in one order of 20 seeds, 5 were missing. In both cases they replaced all seeds and even gave me extra seeds for the hassle (which I did not ask for).