

yesterday i put about 35-40 germinated seeds into an old pot that i was growing fresh strawberries out of and i was wondering if this will be a pretty damn good idea or will the roots get tangled up?

so far this is what i got:hump:

45 seeds.jpg


Well-Known Member
Bad idea man, they're going to strangle each other. There should only be one per pot, so I'd say you better get transplanting asap, before the roots become a tangled mess. If you end up killing some in the process, that's okay. It's better than losing them all, due to overcrowding. :)


Active Member
damn man lol 45 seeds in one pot loll what are you trying to grow a mountain in a small pot yeah man one per pot or your gonna have a mess with tangled roots all over the place


Well-Known Member
Hi ya Jay :)

Welcome to your first Mistake .... and oh what a stonker it is hehe

I seed per pot is the golden rule ( Have seen more in long deep buckets but anyways :) ) Try and get them out asap with as little harm to the roots as possible .

Good Luck with your Grow :)