Updated Pics, Purple Kush & Uknown


Active Member
MMMMMM, Purple Kush harvest time is less than 10 days, I am doing a short flush...straight water no nutes on the Purple as of 2day. They will be pulled at 8 weeks, I could probably pull them now and might pull sooner than 10 days cuz about 80% of my hairs are all Orange. If you look closely you can see a lil color Purple on my PK's. Gonna flush the Uknowns when I pull the PK's. Arent they beautiful.

bongsmiliePlease leave comments, would love to hear what you all think!!bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
those are some sexy girls you got there only wish mine will come out like that... who ever said u cant grow quality bud with CFL's


Active Member
Thx, I agree with ya, I think the CFL's are a great way if you are limited on space and money, which I was, My whole grow cost me about 80-100$, and thats with Lights and Nutes included, I am still in shock myself!!!


Active Member
nice plants, what nutes did you use and how much, im tryin to decide what to use for my plants that just started flowering i used a little 20-20-20 for veg, but i am seein some good results with fox farm and such and know nutes is an important variable


Active Member
ganja.... I used 4 lights for most of the time, I just added another light last week or so, so now there are 5 lights!! I have 2- 3000k lights 42w-equivalent to 150 watts, and while I was vegging I had just two smaller 20 w - 6500k lights I threw in to help the veg move a little quicker. FLOWERING... I have the same 3000k lights but now I have 3, and the 6500k lights I switched out a day or two after 12/12 with two small 2700k Lights so I get the flowering spectrum in my lil room!! 6500k for VEG!!! 2700k for FLOWER!!!
tyler.....This is my second time growing a lil crop!! My first one was kind of a test with the CFLs!! I only grew 1 plant the first time and I took 3 clones off of the bottome of it 10 days into flowering so they took a lil while to switch back to veg under 24 hr light, about 14 days to show new growth!!!!! I had them in a 55 gal. aquarium for a lil veg room!!! once they rooted i let them grow in their under 24 hr. until my first uknown plant was done. My first Plant, yes, was seed, an experiment that worked out GREAT!!! But now im into the clones, definetely females, no messing around. Next crop I will be getting more PK and something else, I never took anymore clones off any of these so I am gonna get morw PK clones and another strain, I am hoping for some TRAIN WRECK or some SUPER SILVER HAZE clones next grow!!!


Active Member
I am using, CANNA's finest Terra Flores, obvious for flowering, and instead of CANNA's pk 13/14 and Boost, I am using a different Boost, Beastie Bloomz, Terra Flores: 2.1-1.7-3.2 and Beastie Bloomz 0-50-30. I am a little hurting for money thats why I dont have ALL of CANNA products, also becuz the 1L bottle of Boost is 112$. I talked to my local hydro store and they told me to use CANNA Terra Flores for making my nuggets denser, I even told him i was using CFL and he gave me this!! and so far, its working pretty damn good. I just started flushing my Purple Kush!!! Can't Wait!


Active Member
OLMEC, I am only going to suggest one thing, I dont know if anybody else will agree but, I would stay away from the Fox Farm if you are looking for the bomb, I have not heard about as good of results using fox farm comparing to Aqua Flakes and Canna Products, I am sorry if any of you dont agree, but thats my thought!! If you can... try to get ur hands on something else besides the fox farm!!!


Active Member
Olmec I agree w/ Joe been hearing some horror stories of some of the fox farm products but then some swear by it...

As Joe advised House & Garden is a great nute line but Only use the Aqua flakes for recirc hydro applications... if your growing in soil get soil nutes and coco for coco.. although I know of people who treat coco like hydro and use hydro nutes in coco w/ good results..

I'd start of with a soil or soiless medium that has little or no nutes..The Royal Gold Basement Mix is great for developing strong root structures in young clones and seedlings...

when their root zones are more established imho 2-3 weeks they can handle some nutes..I hit em' with some beneficial bacteria's at that point and give them a 1/4 to 1/2 strengh nutes, then gradually bring up the level to the feeding schedule you chose to go with...

Hope this helps

Sorry for the ramble and the threadjack Joe

later, D:bigjoint:


Active Member
Well shit i bought foxfarm tiger bloom and my plants have been on it for 5 or so days(half strength 1-1.5 tsp/gal) cause it was only 13$ at the grow store near me. I know there are a bunch of other ff products to add to the tiger bloom base that make it a somewhat decent nute system, but now im thinking i should spend some money and get some terra flores. should I add the terra flores to the tiger bloom or just use the terra flores alone. I only have money to buy one more nute to add, i am gonna use some molasis too, but i just dont wanna keep changin around my nutes... it gets expensive for small grows. Thanks again for all the advice