UPDATED PIXX tell me what you think..need advice!


Active Member
so heres the update guys....as u can see i have one clone that just shot up like crazy...what should i do with it,..because i know all the other plants need the light,..should i transplant it...cut it...? what?? and that babie in the back is wiltingg!!!!!!,..im using a 400wmh i have exhaust fan and fan



Well-Known Member
lol, thought I missed that in the original post, I see it was updated though.

Whats the temp?
Do you have an intake fan?(needed to supply the plant with fresh air ie carbon dioxide)
Fluorescent lights should be placed no more than 5 inches from where you intend it to help, preferably 1-2 inches.
What strain?
Light schedule?


Active Member
temp is around 80 during the day and mid 70 at night... i have an intake fan,..and a fan...i do not have co2 now but i was going to buy some yeast and make the homemade co2...any thoughts on that.. i am 12 days into flowering right now,...the back left is black domina....big tall one a a purple bubba...front right is a cherry ak47 indica dominat...the 2 small clones upfront left are both og and the little guy in the wayy back right is an ortega..im using full strength nutes now....but what should i do with that big bubba in the middle...its been 2 days with the cfls and she hasnt perked up yet...is that what happens when theres not enough light...the stretch?


Well-Known Member
I myself have never used co2, I just try and make sure my ventilation is adequate it will pull in enough fresh air.(I have also not used a room as large as yours). I am not the most experienced grower, but I would say the one that is wilting is due to lack of water or too much water. It looks like your growing hydro...Are you using flood and drain?(check to make sure hoses are not clogged) If the roots are continually sitting in water you should have an air pump going. These are pretty simple things, and I am pretty sure you would have them covered if it were the problem...Myself I have never had a plant wilt on me, so never tried to figure out the causes...even if using flood and drain you should have an air stone in your reservoir.

Sorry I can't be of more help...

Personally I would chop the taller plant as to distribute the light better to the rest of them... Others may have better ideas for you.


Well-Known Member
The stretching is due to the fact your light is suspended so high over the plant. You should try to get it as close as you can. A good rule of thumb for judging is to stick your hand near the top of the plant; if it is too hot for your hand, it is too hot for the plant.

As for the wilting... It is more than likely a problem with the water and/or nutrients. I see plants of all different sizes in there, and the problem with that is that plants of different age require different strengths of nutrients. And by fulfilling one plants needs, another's go unmet.

My advice is to separate the plants into individual containers and go from there.



Active Member
yea i understand that,..but every plant is the same exact age except for the big one in the back left...u think i can transplant that bug bubba in the middle to outside? is the sketchy,..taking it out of the hydroton clay and putting in soil??


Active Member
soo heres what i did!! i lost roots,.....but hopefully shell survive the shock,..what u guys think,..i took her out a hudroton clay now in soill

