Updated!!!!Wilted plants since removed from greenhouse


Had to remove my plants From my greenhouse due to the frame breaking. I have the plants just outside now and I’m about a week into flower. Almost all of my plants have wilted leaves like extremely droopy and I’m extremely nervous. The weather is slowly changing right now in Massachusetts as the night tends to get a little cooler thru the early morning hours.Weather is in the mid to high 50s at the lowest point so I don’t know if it’s due to weather change but it’s really bad and I’m really nervous don’t want my plants to die please help!!!! Woke up to this this morning
Any chance of just Jimmy rigging the green house frame to get you through the season?

they probably just need to adjust, maybe water in some kelp or something to ease the shock.
Posting pics would help. Cannabis should have no issue with temps in the 50's. Just guessing here since there is little info to go on, maybe it's a reaction to direct sun after only getting filtered light in the greenhouse. If you did this past day or so, maybe move them in the shade for the afternoon. If it is sun, they'll acclimate quickly.

Also, make sure you're not over or underwatering,

But damn, post photos or we're just pissing in the wind here
Posting pics would help. Cannabis should have no issue with temps in the 50's. Just guessing here since there is little info to go on, maybe it's a reaction to direct sun after only getting filtered light in the greenhouse. If you did this past day or so, maybe move them in the shade for the afternoon. If it is sun, they'll acclimate quickly.

But damn, post photos or we're just pissing in the wind here
I’ve been trying to post some pics but seems like it’s not letting me I’ll try again
I have to reduce the pic size on my phone to post sometimes, should be able to resize while using your phone's edit function.
Dear God they are dying...
How did they look before the change of place. You just placed them outside, nothing else?
What kind of soil are they in and are they in the same post they were in? When did you put them outside? Check the soil to make sure it's not too dry or too wet. I can't imagine the temps in the greenhouse are going to be way different then the temps outside it. To be clear, you did nothing aside from moving the pots outside the greenhouse, right?
It's dead, sorry dude. It would be extremely difficult to revive it at this point. It's a shame because it's such a big plant. Without much information it's hard to help you.
Did humidity change drastically? like went from 70 to 30? If so wrap a big clear bag over to up the humidity.