Upgrading Area51 W90's to Vero29 Gen7

I am interested in upgrading my w90's to gen7 chips.

I currently have Gen6 Vero29 in them.

Any how to videos out there?

Or any other info from someone knowledgeable
on how to do this?



Well-Known Member
silent, unlike a Roleadro or Black Dog or other cheap box that guys are gutting out and filling with new parts, the W90 is a solid unit. Unless you have some specific reason (space limitations, etc.) to do surgery on the W90, wouldn't it make more sense to leave it alone and build something new?
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The reason for upgrade is Gen7 is 13% better.
The upgrade should be cheap and easy from what I
hear that is why I want the upgrade.

Also I currently have 4000k I want 3000k
for flowering only.