Upgrading LED Lights


Active Member
I have two 2.5x5’s that are 6.5’ tall and a 3x3 all flower tents. My style is 2.5x2.5’ wide plants with 6-6.5’ height and 3x3x6 for the first time.

So nothing bigger than 3x3x6 or the other tents any time soon and thats fine. I love the results of them.

I had evolved a bit growing wise especially doing clone side by sides same plant. Using minimal lighting, knock off brands and now sufficiently with mars hydro.

They work perfect for 2.5x2.5 but dont like the hazard. I see now a viparspectra p1500 is the same footprint. I just read theyre safer, is it?

Im interested in trying them out after my mars lights run their course.

What are key differences between the two? Why do my mars lights produce the best quality and yield and how could it compare to VS P1500?

Using this thread to evolve my knowledge and possession of lights eventually to HLG but why? Ill leave it at that.
I'm missing a light with a switch, more blue in veg, more red in flower.

But generally, the only reason you'd be getting better results with one brand over the other is spectrum. You're better off getting a light that is geared towards RGB ratios, with higher concentration of red in the spectrum, as plants seem to like that more. The Diablo X is a good example of a spectrum which does away with human centric measures of light and puts them into plant centric measures. In my opinion you are better off getting a light which has a spectrum with a learning curve, because once you dial it I'm your results will also improve a lot. If you look at the commercial Philips High Output lights, they seem blurple, with high red ratio, some white and little blue. That type of lighting is used a lot in commercial applications, and usually requires advanced growing knowledge, but once it's dialled in you get better quality and more yield.