upper leaves curling up crispy, bottom leaves curling down tips going yellow

yesterday all the leaves are looking down, pot dried almost all the way down.
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today upper leaves get up a little bit but have a crispy feel with emerging leaf tips became yellow. i suspect heat stress.
i pulled the lights up like 2''. it was 150cfl at 3'' now 5''.

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however, bottom leaves are almost down and started to yellow.

ph is ok 6,9. heat is 26celcius, humidity %50.

i watered throughly now.

what say u :)


Well-Known Member
Looks like you corrected the potential problem of underwatering and are correcting the problem of mild heat stress by increasing the distance of your cfls. Have you inspected if your plant is root bound yet? BTW your plant is looking extremely healthy kudos and good luck with the rest of your grow.


Well-Known Member
Yes you cooked it with the light/high temps and its overwatered.Light/heat stress. A plant can take weeks to recover from this if it recovers at all, expect more damge to appear over the coming days. Its mainly a heat issue, did you recently have a spike in ambient temps?
ok i'll repot it and see whats gonna happen. what do you say about nutes. i just gave nutrients once, do i need to start nute schedule from now on? does it help them to recover quicker?
I would not have thought a 150 cfl 3inches from top would cause heat stress, they produce very little heat. I have my 250 cfl as close as I can get it without touching and have never had these problems. It may just be the fact the pot is too small. Like was mentioned before just repot.
i repotted, it was root bound but not that bad only in the bottom corners of the pot. it may be overwatered coz after watering all leaves curled down. im rather confused, calicat says the plants r healthy, buds says exactly the opposite. anyway, i lifted lights some more and have nothing more to do right?
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after repotting leaf curls seem to be cured. however, emerging leaves are almost yellow and growing up like spikes. overall color became lighter green.
btw, i found out that the fan blowing lights' heat to the exhaust stopped because of loose adapter connection. it may have created the spike in temp. i will provide a second small fan for better circulation of fresh air.