Can I simply place the smaller pot inside of the larger pot and have the roots grow through or do I need to remove the root ball and transplant? Last time when I transplanted the roots were hard to separate from the sides and I had to break a lot. It didn't seem to shock the plant but I don't want to take any unnecessary chances.
I've did the same with my Roses last year
I don't like them Roses sharp points!
I don't like many of them shitty flexi bags...
used carpet is far batter
if I was dead dead lazy yes I'd do that
I'd be doing that in years to come
So will
Dr. Who..
Richard Drysift..and many old hands here
From my worn out back ..growing weed all my life UGH!
I'd be tempted to stab it several times with old army knife
just to be sure the roots don't pinch and heed the flow
good luck