Upstate from BC Seeds - Has anyone grown it?

Buckets, wonder why out of the 200K + members on this site there are only like 1 or 2 BC Seeds grow reports? Wonder why there are four pages to this thread and everyone who says they've grown BC Seeds has no pictures? Ever wonder why NO reputable members here have pics of BC Seeds gear? Or why none of them advertise/praise BC Seeds?

Do you ever stop and ask yourself? If not, please go back and do so.
Couchland and Mr. Ganja...

Now you're both attacking me personally and all I ever did was start this thread in the hopes of finding out some genetics information about Upstate from BC seeds. I don't remember stating in this thread an endorsement for BC seeds. I simply stated I had purchased the feminized version of upstate.

Couchland you mentioned pictures? Just so you know....there is a thread with Elephant pictures from BC seeds. It's in the outdoor section at rollitup. Go check it out. It's like 50 pages long and there are many pictures there.

I am not defending BC seeds. I am not endorsing them in this thread. So go and howl at the moon all you negs. BC seeds is expensive for some of its top strains and I can't afford them. But I did get upstate at there last x mas sale. So I want to grow it and post pictures after the summer coming up.

Anybody with any Information about the Upstate to hear from you.

Last all know how important soil mix is as well as let me try and find some upstate growers who have some information for me will ya?

Let me ask you.....what is your opinion of a supposed seed vendor who has three different sites all selling different strains, pretending to be independent from one another and one is a blatant rip-off of another independent, honest vendor trying to do right?

Like my opinion matters?

You've brought the other web sites to my attention now. The thing is though that I already have these Upstate seeds. And that's why I started this thread - to learn about Upstate but you and others have wanted to pierce the heart of BC seeds. So go after them. I don't speak for them. I speak for myself. I paid my own good money for these seeds. And I want to try them as well as elephant outdoors.

I see very clearly that you want to be on the side of right. I'm ok with that.

Why? Because I'm just a frikin customer after a bigger yield than 1-2 pounds per plant outdoors. That's why I've bought these genetics and here's to hoping that I will achieve that with some hard work.

So go after them. Go for it. I'm definitely not stopping you. But I am also going to say that I paid my money and I received my seeds. How good are they? I don't know yet.

Which is why I am trying to do some preliminary research on this strain here in this thread. Anyone with anything to say about Upstate or Elephant Outdoors. Love to hear from you.

This is all bullshit....YOU and everyone who promotes/defends bcseeds are attempting to fool people. I don't like it. Its a terrible thing to do to someone naive to this. Bcseeds is ruining it for everyone. Buying seeds on-line is based on trust. BCseeeds are scammers!!!!!!
WOW! Thats fucked up couchland and shitj have a little respect for the guy thread he's clearly just researching about his purchase and you guys just blantly try to fuck this thread up. And the crazy thing is you pricks never even order from them to be so dame ignorant. Cut it out and just leave, let this be just about what the guy is asking for. Poor guy been so patient with you guys its rediculos. I never order from them but every person that actully order from them loves them, and for some reason the ones that didnt order from them have a problem (Wierd) There was this guy on here that had a thread BC seeds Chronic OMG! That shit was insane. Thats why Im gonna go with bc seeds and get there chronic strain for $90 I can understand if anyone order from them and hated them but you guys are just idiots hatin like that! -----Any way I think you should be happy with what you get, from my research in bc seeds good luck bro
WOW! Thats fucked up couchland and shitj have a little respect for the guy thread he's clearly just researching about his purchase and you guys just blantly try to fuck this thread up. And the crazy thing is you pricks never even order from them to be so dame ignorant. Cut it out and just leave, let this be just about what the guy is asking for. Poor guy been so patient with you guys its rediculos. I never order from them but every person that actully order from them loves them, and for some reason the ones that didnt order from them have a problem (Wierd) There was this guy on here that had a thread BC seeds Chronic OMG! That shit was insane. Thats why Im gonna go with bc seeds and get there chronic strain for $90 I can understand if anyone order from them and hated them but you guys are just idiots hatin like that! -----Any way I think you should be happy with what you get, from my research in bc seeds good luck bro

You're all the same person....same language...very transparent!!!! This is all designed to get traffic to that shitty scamming website with the seeds valued at HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS PER SEED!!!!!! ......YOU!!!!!, show some respect for people needing real and good advice.
Mate, we're not the same person and that just goes to show me that some of you guys are really messed up. All I've ever asked here is for some information on a strain called Upstate in the strain section. And it's you guys that have brought in the controversy by saying so many negative things here.

I have never asked anyone to go and buy from bcseeds. I just wanted to hear from people who had grown upstate.

LMAO! Buckets these ppl really are missing screws. With there stupid attitude no one will listen to them anyway. Like I said from the ppl that actually order from them, they really like bc seeds so you should be ok hopefully someone comes thru and help you out. To everyone reading this thread the neg ppl here never order from bc seeds there giving you BS advice. Here's some sdvice Don't knock it till you try it! If you actually tried it and dont like them cool, but if you never tried them pls shut the fuck up.
Thanks Don2009.

I needed the laugh. I've been trying to be patient with them. They feel that they're right so they keep on coming. I agree with your logic...if you try the seeds from BC seeds and they fail for you...then by all means go ahead and bitch your heart out but if you've never even ordered from the company that can say several things about you. Depends on how you want to take your stand.

All I want in this thread is to talk to people who have grown elephant or Upstate. And if you have the courage to tell me your tale, I'd like very much to hear the on growing the strains outside if possible...your yield...lessons learned etc.

I still have a good month I'd say before I plant my own personal grow so this threads going to be active for awhile I'd say.

Thanks for reading:wall:

Thanks Don2009.

I needed the laugh. I've been trying to be patient with them. They feel that they're right so they keep on coming. I agree with your logic...if you try the seeds from BC seeds and they fail for you...then by all means go ahead and bitch your heart out but if you've never even ordered from the company that can say several things about you. Depends on how you want to take your stand.

All I want in this thread is to talk to people who have grown elephant or Upstate. And if you have the courage to tell me your tale, I'd like very much to hear the on growing the strains outside if possible...your yield...lessons learned etc.

I still have a good month I'd say before I plant my own personal grow so this threads going to be active for awhile I'd say.

Thanks for reading:wall:


Transparent Bullshit, please order from someone doing an honest business.
Hey Couchland:

Not sure what you mean by transparent bullshit but you're entitled to feel the way you want to feel. I can't say anything for those other seed companies. All I can say is that I have ordered seeds from Europe and they didn't come packaged nicely at all. BC seeds puts them in glass viles with rice to soak up moisture. I ordered from four different companies in Europe before I found BC seeds. I studied the packaging and the look of the seeds and I found BC seeds to have better quality.

How do they grow though? That I do not yet know my friend. I've only ever grown Nepalese Grizzly outside. So now I'm onto Upstate and Elephant Outdoors.

I'm not suggesting anybody buy from any seed company. You guys do whatever you want to do.

But if any of you have grown Upstate or Elephant I'd welcome your comments. The elephant Outdoors is supposed to be the king of outdoor plants. You negs should go and read that write up. I bet you'll have a baby!

The thing is that I'm planning on finding out if the BC hype is true or not. And if it isn't, I'll be the first to tell you all about it. But if it is true...believe me, I will feel so good showing you what the plants look like so the negs can go and blow some goats.

Have a good evening all.

But if any of you have grown Upstate or Elephant I'd welcome your comments. The elephant Outdoors is supposed to be the king of outdoor plants. You negs should go and read that write up. I bet you'll have a baby!

Saw it, was subscribed, shitty looking results. Looks like something a third grader bred.

LMAO! Buckets these ppl really are missing screws. With there stupid attitude no one will listen to them anyway. Like I said from the ppl that actually order from them, they really like bc seeds so you should be ok hopefully someone comes thru and help you out. To everyone reading this thread the neg ppl here never order from bc seeds there giving you BS advice. Here's some sdvice Don't knock it till you try it! If you actually tried it and dont like them cool, but if you never tried them pls shut the fuck up.

Hit the books son. Go do some research on BC Seeds, go look at their smoke/grow reports, when you're done.. come back.

No one said we have never tried their genetics, stop assuming. Assuming makes you sound rather ignorant.

Don't knock it til you try it? You've never knocked any substances that you haven't tried?
Shep J:

You saw regular elephant if you examined the thread by jasper2478. There are four kinds of it. He admitted that it was his first grow and he got a bunch of negative people coming and attacking him for growing a strain from BC seeds. The point is that one of the negs in this thread said that there wasn't one picture from a bc seeds grower. Well we now know this to be an incorrect statement.

I'm not interested in the background of BC seeds at this particular moment. I sent my cash and I got my seeds plus my bonus seeds. I am after a strain that says I can get more than a pound per plant outdoors. Some plants can crop out at around 3 pounds if you've done your work. But BC seeds has several strains that can supposedly produce more than that. That is what I want. So I paid my money and bought my seeds and come summer, we will see if this is true or not.

I won't assume that you haven't grown a BC seeds strain but if you have Shep J, I'd appreciate you telling me about it so I learn about whatever strain you did grow.

This thread is about someone wanting to learn about the Upstate strain and the elephant outdoor strain. I am in search of people from all walks of life who have grown it. Even the negs out there.

Where are you? I know you're out there...

This isn't my plant. I found it on the Internet at the following address:

It's just nice to see that somebody had a picture of Upstate even though it's just in veg stage perhaps going into flowering? Am not 100% sure.

I hope you can see it. If I did it wrong please let me know. I went to the advanced options and clicked on the attachments.




  • Upstate plant.jpg
    Upstate plant.jpg
    92.4 KB · Views: 29
I love how the pro upstate guy is named upstate and has 1 post. Trust what he has to say.

Better yet, read's disclaimer and then decide whether you trust someone who tells fictitious stories and thc levels with several thousand dollars for some magic beans. There's a reason is flamed the way they are.
and if your not trolling man im sorry. I admit my last post was only after reading the first page, I went back through tho. Look buckets some of thes guys came of ass reals abrasive assholes, but they are being honest abrasive assholes. BC seeds Is not an honest company they have done alot of wrong to a lot of people. So try to forgive them really I think it just hurts some people to see an honest polite person like yourself get raped by a company like BC. Its a real shame things go on like they do but thats just the strange angle this world spins on, Im sorry if you get hurt in the process. Peace bro.

I appreciate your last message. Thank you.

I'm saddened to hear that people have been taken advantage of (alleged) by BC seeds. I can say that that wasn't the case with me though. I ordered four times and got everything I ordered plus bonus strains of good quality and value. However, I am always saddened when people get ripped off by seed companies or have their weed ripped off by ganja bandits. I have been ripped off outdoors so I know what that feels like.

I would definitely be scared to send several thousand in cash for seeds. The strains that I purchased, however, I got for only a few hundred dollars at the half off sale during the previous x mas and I don't live in the states. From what I've heard, there are many people in the states who order but don't receive their beans. First rule of thumb...don't live in the states if you're growing weed.

So i found somebody who has a thread for upstate, which is awesome. If anybody else finds anyone or knows anyone who has grown it or the elephant to hear from you.

Happy gardening.

and if your not trolling man im sorry. I admit my last post was only after reading the first page, I went back through tho. Look buckets some of thes guys came of ass reals abrasive assholes, but they are being honest abrasive assholes. BC seeds Is not an honest company they have done alot of wrong to a lot of people. So try to forgive them really I think it just hurts some people to see an honest polite person like yourself get raped by a company like BC. Its a real shame things go on like they do but thats just the strange angle this world spins on, Im sorry if you get hurt in the process. Peace bro.
Hey did you ever order from bc seeds ????????? Please say you did! If not shut up