Urge your Representative to Co-Sponsor HR1983, the States' Medical Marijuana Patient


Well-Known Member

Washington, DC—(ENEWSPF)—October 14, 2011. Help stop attacks on medical cannabis! Recently we have seen an increase in DEA raids and other tactics used by the federal government to interfere with medical cannabis in California, Arizona, and Michigan. Our allies in Congress have introduced critical bipartisan legislation to protect medical cannabis patients and providers. But they need your help to get it passed. Take a minute to urge your Representative in the House to cosponsor the HR1983, the States' Medical Cannabis Patient Protection Act today!

If passed, HR 1983 will essentially end federal interference in state sanctioned programs, provide patients and providers with a defense in federal court, and, most importantly, reclassify cannabis to Schedule III under the Controlled Substance Act. This reclassification will recognize the medicinal value of cannabis, open doors to critical medical research, and create access for people in need across the country!

Call your representative today, ask him or her to cosponsor HR1983, the States' Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act, today! :peace:


Well-Known Member
can i vote in my local? their doing votes for w/e till the fifth of november. but i dont think this city would put that on the bill full of a bunch of rich assholes and spoiled G.I joes


Well-Known Member
good job-

i think there's a site to locate your rep. if not i'll find it later.