Before we think the worst, cuzz it really does suck to get hosed that way. Consider your not packing the tube tight enough and thats why the butane is running through the cracks and coming out clear. At this point your past " gimme that bright yellow gold" you need to get something you can smoke even if it's dark man. I dunno Im a bastard after a run I'll move to another dish and try to stab squeeze more juice with the stuffing stick. Especially when im low on solvent. All that can happen in an overpack it it cease's up and muddies or you get some blow back.
Im pushing you to cross what may simply be a fear issue with blow back when it comes to your packing. I spent way to many a night feeling that 0 for 2 with 1 more to go maybe I should call for a timeout. You got one last barrier that can only lead to dark oil and that's over packing.
If you overpack and get clear, it's time to have a real problem in the real world with a real person who sold you that wrung wrag of a plant. Also it's time to buy a 10 dollar microscope so you can see the balls on the legs before you buy. Many a time they really just fell off from abuse. Also after check your material by microscope to make sure all the balls are off there legs and in your pyrex. If you find trich's under the microscope then you know my under packed theory has merit.
hand held microscrope should be 20 bux max at any grow shop. I don't mean any kind of serious tool.