Urgent Bho Help !


New Member
I grinded up 7 grams of bud, put it in the extractor and ran the vector butane through . Very very little oil drained out onto my pirex dish and the rest was clear butane. I put the dish into a hot water bath, it proceeded to bubble but not for long . When I scraped up the remaining oil from the pirex there was maybe 1 dabs worth . This is the second time this happened to me and I'm furious. I dumped out all the bud from the extractor and I'm going to try it again when it drys out . Someone please help me .thanks
7grams should give you about a gram +/-........that's not a lot
Either get better weed or run more bud.....you could be loosing oil in your dish, I usually find a dab after re scraping
Its literally impossible for butane to not absorb the cannabinoids...

Therefore better quality weed....

Or don't pack your tube so tight, butane may just be finding the quickest route through and following..you can inspect the trichome heads to confirm

A thermos soak would fix this issue.......I do understand your frustration though
My tube was tightly packed but I figured it wouldn't matter because its all going to the sameplace . I just through out the bud in the extractor cause its pretty much worthless now .im so scared to make it again cause I'm 1for 3
Do a soak next time.....freeze the butane to keep it liquid longer, a thermos soak is most efficient

That's probly what happened
I just went though my second run and got zero oil . Lost 200 $ in 2 weeks .
Is there any chance you may be buying someones buds that they have already ran butane through? Horrible thought but it's possible. There are fucked up people out there.
Nope bud was normal when I bought it. I'm never making bho again. I swear I'm the only person that this has happened to. Literally through my cash down the toilet
Before we think the worst, cuzz it really does suck to get hosed that way. Consider your not packing the tube tight enough and thats why the butane is running through the cracks and coming out clear. At this point your past " gimme that bright yellow gold" you need to get something you can smoke even if it's dark man. I dunno Im a bastard after a run I'll move to another dish and try to stab squeeze more juice with the stuffing stick. Especially when im low on solvent. All that can happen in an overpack it it cease's up and muddies or you get some blow back.

Im pushing you to cross what may simply be a fear issue with blow back when it comes to your packing. I spent way to many a night feeling that 0 for 2 with 1 more to go maybe I should call for a timeout. You got one last barrier that can only lead to dark oil and that's over packing.

If you overpack and get clear, it's time to have a real problem in the real world with a real person who sold you that wrung wrag of a plant. Also it's time to buy a 10 dollar microscope so you can see the balls on the legs before you buy. Many a time they really just fell off from abuse. Also after check your material by microscope to make sure all the balls are off there legs and in your pyrex. If you find trich's under the microscope then you know my under packed theory has merit.

hand held microscrope should be 20 bux max at any grow shop. I don't mean any kind of serious tool.
Before we think the worst, cuzz it really does suck to get hosed that way. Consider your not packing the tube tight enough and thats why the butane is running through the cracks and coming out clear. At this point your past " gimme that bright yellow gold" you need to get something you can smoke even if it's dark man. I dunno Im a bastard after a run I'll move to another dish and try to stab squeeze more juice with the stuffing stick. Especially when im low on solvent. All that can happen in an overpack it it cease's up and muddies or you get some blow back.

Im pushing you to cross what may simply be a fear issue with blow back when it comes to your packing. I spent way to many a night feeling that 0 for 2 with 1 more to go maybe I should call for a timeout. You got one last barrier that can only lead to dark oil and that's over packing.

If you overpack and get clear, it's time to have a real problem in the real world with a real person who sold you that wrung wrag of a plant. Also it's time to buy a 10 dollar microscope so you can see the balls on the legs before you buy. Many a time they really just fell off from abuse. Also after check your material by microscope to make sure all the balls are off there legs and in your pyrex. If you find trich's under the microscope then you know my under packed theory has merit.

hand held microscrope should be 20 bux max at any grow shop. I don't mean any kind of serious tool.
That's some good advice right there
I grinded up 7 grams of bud, put it in the extractor and ran the vector butane through . Very very little oil drained out onto my pirex dish and the rest was clear butane. I put the dish into a hot water bath, it proceeded to bubble but not for long . When I scraped up the remaining oil from the pirex there was maybe 1 dabs worth . This is the second time this happened to me and I'm furious. I dumped out all the bud from the extractor and I'm going to try it again when it drys out . Someone please help me .thanks

The first thing that I might suggest, is to examine the bud under a microscope and see if there are remaining trichome heads. If there aren't any visible heads, you are wasting your time.

If there are visible heads, your butane is finding an easy way through, because if it is in contact with the trichomes, it will dissolve them. That suggests your packing to be suspect.

How fine did you grind it, and what did you pack it in? How many cans of butane?
if you didnt get anything out, its still in there... I would re run... When you say very little oil drained out and lots of butane, you mean it went clear pretty quickly? What kind of extractor? My little cut down SSTB holds about 5-6 grams tightly packed, and the outbound end only has any color for about a second or so. I will spray for a few seconds afterwards to be sure it is clear, but that is the extent of it with top shelf beautiful flowers going in. I hand break them down to allow for more even packing but dont grind, and find a fat sharpie to work well as a tamping tool. I average just over a gram after purge and scrape. how long are you waiting before you scrape?
Very Very strange indeed.. i've seen brick run and still made 10%.

What micron are you using for your cover a coffee filter? Is there lots of yellow on it?
I'm a newbie hash maker myself. Why are you running bud on your 1st attempt? I would never experiment with bud [I have plenty] Practice on leaf & trim until you get a feel for what your doing. If you stuff it up then it only cost you the price of the butane. My 1st effort was made from year old leaf, as dry as could be that a friend gave me. The oil from this rubbish was described as "too strong" by one friend. [It's been a long time since anyones seen hash out my way, their not accustomed to it] :)