Urgent! bottom leaves :(


i just looked at my 2 babies..out of 6..and their botton leaves have pretty much died..

i know this isnt supposed to happen cause it hasn't happened to my other plants...whats wrong?! please help :(

sorry for the crappy quality of the pics..my camera blows chunks..they are the bottom most leaves though..florescent light..15w..miracle grow soil..3 weeks old today..21 hours of light..



Active Member
Not urgent! Those leaves are supposed to fall off. It will happen to your other plants soon as well. Looks fine.


oh..geez...it scared the shit out of me..thank you..i had no idea..holy fuck..i was about to cry :P ..i care about my babies a little more than anybody should..like..if i were to have a real baby..i would probably grind it up and somehow use it as nutrients for my green babies ;)

thanks again..


Well-Known Member
Totally natural, it happens to every plant. If it never happened before, something was obviously wrong. No worries.


Active Member
those leaves are part of the embryo inside the seed. when they sprout they become embryonic leaves, they provide the plant with food and nutrients enough to sprout and often grow for a week or so, after everything from the leaves is used up they turn yellow and fall off. they're also called cotyledons


Active Member
they are the cotyledons and its fine but they look very long and thin, u fort of getting that light down abit
personally i would put it to 18/6 now, that 6 hrs of dark is quite inportant for growing, theyl fil out abit rather than stretching for light.



Well-Known Member
not to wirrie but you may want to add soil looks to be streching a little


Well-Known Member
Totally natural, it happens to every plant. If it never happened before, something was obviously wrong. No worries.
Not urgent! Those leaves are supposed to fall off. It will happen to your other plants soon as well. Looks fine.
those leaves are part of the embryo inside the seed. when they sprout they become embryonic leaves, they provide the plant with food and nutrients enough to sprout and often grow for a week or so, after everything from the leaves is used up they turn yellow and fall off. they're also called cotyledons
its perfectly normal man i wouldnt worry about it
they are the cotyledons and its fine but they look very long and thin, u fort of getting that light down abit
personally i would put it to 18/6 now, that 6 hrs of dark is quite inportant for growing, theyl fil out abit rather than stretching for light.


But 15 watts ain't gonna cut it for light, hence the stretching. Three week old plants should be more robust.

Get more light ASAP and consider transplanting once you get the lighting sorted out.

Good luck and good growing.


i also noticed a very light coloring(very light green, almost yellow) to the tops of the plants(only in the center of the top though) that i just put in the vegetative stage...is this a problem? or is this supposed to happen?