Urgent, brown algae in undercurrent.


Well-Known Member
Pondzyme is for ponds obviously so fish and plants both live in ponds too so I don't see why it would be no good for your plants.
My plants were a few weeks old so still in seedling stage.
If it happened again I would definitely start over. There's always a chance it will come back if you didn't kill everything with the bleach.
Pondzyme works great and cheap too.
Thanks terry and I2icho. I didnt know about algae hating soil. If all else fails I will just open up another room and run the soil I guess. I am going to wait until tomorrow before I pull a plant to check because alot can change in a night. I2icho did you soak your roots in pondzyme as seedlings? If not what worked for you. Sorry for all the questions guys. Just wanna know as much as possible before I make a decision. I feel alot better though knowing I can put them in soil if all else fails. Thanks again.
After talking to you guys I think im gonna put em in soiland clean the shit out of my system and let the bennies colonize for a week or two before I drop em in. Heres a link to the undercurrent I built. I will be checking all night if anyone has anymore advice. thanks again. I'm doing this without any help so you guys have saved my sanity. thank god i dont have to throw them all out. soil here they come. MY DWC... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBejwi1GPzo
I am gonna keep em in soil and start some new seeds for the undercurrent. After building the thing I wanna make sure its perfect.
Has anyone tried colloidal silver? My local hydro stpre recommended it to me. I cant find much infor but supposedly it kills all algae and disease. I just wanna make sure before I try it.