Urgent: Clone needs planting! advice please!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i have a blue mystic clone which i currently cannot plant because i need soil. I wont have my special Fox farms OF soil for like 4 days so my question is: Is it bad to keep a well rooted clone hanging around for too long?

PS. This thing rooted 2 days ago and since then about 50 shoots and huge roots have sprung out.. most are tiny but 5 huge taproots at bottom.

Btw i have them in those jump start cocoa plugs and rootech cloning gel. 110% succes rate so far its amazing.. thick roots with hundreds of fibrous hairs that look so cool!


Well-Known Member
Ok, Ty but that doesnt completely answer my question.. What do i do about the masses of roots that are starting to form outside the starter plug? its only like a 1'' plug... Will the roots die if they dont have nutrients?


Well-Known Member
keep em moist.,.,they wont do much growing in the light thats for sure theyll start to retreat back in2 the plug if anything.,.,the ro0ts on the botom of the plug will be the ones u have to worry about just keep humidity up.,.,forward ever backward never


Active Member
keep em moist.,.,they wont do much growing in the light thats for sure theyll start to retreat back in2 the plug if anything.,.,the ro0ts on the botom of the plug will be the ones u have to worry about just keep humidity up.,.,forward ever backward never
I would keep it in a tray with a 1/4" or so of water at the bottom. You'll want to change the water very regularly to keep from mold and such, but this should keep your clone happy.


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks guys. 1 more question. Does cannabis die if it has no nutrients? Or just stop growing?


Well-Known Member
The plant can survive a surprisingly long time without nutrients.

Some people take weeks to clone and they take on next to no nutrients in that time.

As everyone else already said just keep it moist, it will be fine.

There is a reason cannabis is such a successful plant, its hardy as fuck. I don't know about you guys but my plants pretty much take any abuse I have ever given them like champs!

Edit-- Fun Fact

People store cuttings in refridgeration over winter to graft them onto other branches the following spring. The act of grafting is more intense and hard to pull off then cloning generally so the recovery period is longer.


Active Member
got you back dude, get a 4 or 6 Inch rockwool cube and set your starter thing just right on top of it, the roots will grow into that and you can transplant the whole thing into your soil when it comes, i bet the roots wont even be through the 6 inch cube by the time you transplant, just a thought


Well-Known Member
um i dont know where to get ones that big and i did think of that. fuck hydro shops. ty all +reps


Well-Known Member
You could clean some rocks, or hydroton if you have it, and put them in cups. You'd just need to hand water couple times a day at the most. Good luck getting your soil.


Well-Known Member
You could clean some rocks, or hydroton if you have it, and put them in cups. You'd just need to hand water couple times a day at the most. Good luck getting your soil.
yah unfortunatley hydroton doesnt retain water as well as it should.