urgent: drug test


does anyone know if ur a young women using a older womens urine will not work since the piss ur using is of a women whos been threw menopause??


damn, need to know gf's got a drug test early morning and only clean stuff i can get if from my mother. she dosent exactly know when the test is so cleansing kits wont help/ tried before and failed...


yea, im googling my <3 out but only thing i can find is dont use pee from a prego chick if yer a dude and actual menopause testing kits :/


Well-Known Member
Certo is fruit canning pectin-
buy some they are tabs

mix 1 tab each into 2 arizona iced tea bottles (for some reason certo doesn't dissolve well in water)
drink these 2 hours before the test and then GUZZLE water-

the pectin is like a wax that seals your kidneys for a small amount of time
you will pass