Urgent help needed pics ... Dyin plants calling all weed growers look at this thread


Hi all im fuming!!! Was workin late didnt manage to feed my plants as they turn off at 6 at night and i cant feed at night cus i cant see.
Wat i dont get is the plants furthers away from the light ( was also the bigger plants) have not died. Nuffins happend to them

i normaly feed every 3 days and its bin 4 days... Isit the feed problem or cud it be the light? Lights about a foot n half maybe a foot away/. Room temp was 84 wen i came in. I turned them 6 days ago. I feed cana a and cana b. 30ml of each into 10 litres (recommende 40ml) but i have a all mix so i laid off it abit.

Anyway could these be saved or what? What can i do wat the hellll!!!?!!?! Grrrr

thanks in advance for any help

aswell could it be co2? As the plants furthers away from the intake died. They are realy droopin/fallin helpppp pleaseee!


Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Looks like they have had a high temps episode, Water them and try every trick in the book and if it was just high temps then I think they will recover quite quickly.


Realy? But surely the other plants wud of got hot too? But i think the same wiv the food. I think it mite be oxygen?


Well-Known Member
You definitely need to feed and water, and yes air exchange is a must if you don't have it. If you have a little humidifier laying around grab it, it will help bring lower temperature, like a mini a/c. But with your humidity, don't let it go above 60


Active Member
some plants are more resilient than others. some plants thrive in high temps.. others die.


Active Member
eh, 85F... a little high...could have even been higher in there at some point..

85F is my panic temp... the highest I allow my grow to get...
make sure you find a cold air exchange solution.
booster fans help and are usually only about $25.

how moist is your soil when you water?
does the pot feel light and dried out, or can you feel heavy water weight when you lift the pot?


Well-Known Member
Room temp was 84 wen i came in. I turned them 6 days ago.
Here is the KEY to your problem...

What else did you do 6 days ago right before you turned them [I assume 18/6 to 12/12]
It's always what you did or what happened to them 6-10 days ago....

Personally, I also think you heat stroked them, and if you did, they will all die, with the ones hottest going faster and first.
Heat is not exact inside your grow... Direct under lights is hotter...
You saw your heat gauge say: "85 f" so, how hot was it really, when you were not there?
Get a gauge with a hottest temp memory...
This time of year, my temps are also out of wack, so I just added an air conditioner, and a couple of fans...
Heat stress will look like Nute lock out... Leaf will look like N deficient, because roots quit taking up nutes, and water....
Plants will still seem wet, and you think WTF....
If everything else in your room was perfect [air/soil/watering] you might save one...
I lost a couple before when my basement's ambient temp went from 64f to 80f in a week... It caught me by surprise, and I lost a couple of plants, not all of them, but yes.... it does not look good...
Sorry, Good Luck !!!