urgent help needed - plant dying

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Yes week 4 of 7 it says. Will it still be ok with no fan leaves?
yes they`ll be fine but to be honest fella they look nearly done!
No fan leaves should not be falling off especially this early in flowering. You do not look almost done at all.. probably 4 weeks atleast. (Almost always add 1-2 weeks to breeder times). What and how much have you been feeding her?


Well-Known Member
Please help me with my plants 4 weeks into flower under 600w hps most fan leaves have wilted and fallen off. Also seeing brown spots on remaining leaves. Please help
Hello there .....take the advice someone politely gave you above and start your own thread ....what you did is hijack the original OPs thread and that confuses people trying to help her/him with there problems ....go start your own thread and people will be happy to help I'm sure .....but don't steal somebody else's that took the time to start a thread to ask for help just to have it stolen/hijacked like you did here........GL

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Hello there .....take the advice someone politely gave you above and start your own thread ....what you did is hijack the original OPs thread and that confuses people trying to help her/him with there problems ....go start your own thread and people will be happy to help I'm sure .....but don't steal somebody else's that took the time to start a thread to ask for help just to have it stolen/hijacked like you did here........GL
Lol sorry didnt even notice It was not the op I was talking to. yep start your own thread and ill finish helping you out or atleast try