Urgent help needed please Temps To high (Pictures)


Active Member
My temps are at 95 and i dont know what I can do to get them down here are some pics of my setup. First grow!

The tent size is 200x240x120

The both fans are 6" im not sure what the cfm is as they were both given to me.

The both lights are 600watt each



Well-Known Member
The easiest way to lower the temps in your space is to insulate and shorten the exhaust ducts in your grow space, especially the exhaust for your portable ac. The way you have it set up now the ac compressor is getting too hot and will run only a short time before cutting off and then you are just recirculating hot air. You need to place the ac such that the exhaust is no longer than 6 feet and is so well insulated that it doesn't feel hot to the touch. Any other duct that's hot, like after your lights, should be insulated as well - you will need to buy new ducting that's insulated but it will pay off immediately.

Also be aware that since the portable ac vents outside the tent you are potentially venting smelly air - an alternate set up would be to have your carbon filter alone with a fan so it's recirculating air which will keep the air inside the tent from smelling instead of just treating exhaust air.


Well-Known Member
try removing any of the kinks and sharp bends in your ducting as this will be reducing the airflow through the line.

If you have to make any turns in the ducting then try to do it gradually.

Get the ducting between the hoods straight not sagging.

Let us know how you get on



Active Member
Thank you so much for your help, im gonna go to the grow shop tommorow as its shut now and buy some insulated ducting and tonight im going to shorten the ducting and get rid of any kinks. Ill let you know how it goes


Active Member
Update, ive re-done my setup now to the best I can, il upload the new photos in the morning. thanks