It kind of comes in waves usually. We'll have a relatively long quiet period where it seems all the new people are here to actually learn, with a desire to give back and help others.

Then we have phases where it's like a boatload of newbies come on board one after the other, all with the same negative, know it all, condescending, lying attitudes.

I'd say we're at the tail end of this current wave of idiocy.
Who has that ban button? Page that dude up and see what’s he’s doing.

this is why other websites limit posts for new users.
I asked such people and comments to keep to themselves or go somewhere else to bitch about!

You do not make the rules here. The only place on this site where commenting on someone's thread isn't allowed (unless explicitly allowed by the thread creator) is the Grow Journal section.

You can not tell anyone not to post in a thread.

Why is it that you think you're so entitled?
It kind of comes in waves usually. We'll have a relatively long quiet period where it seems all the new people are here to actually learn, with a desire to give back and help others.

Then we have phases where it's like a boatload of newbies come on board one after the other, all with the same negative, know it all, condescending, lying attitudes.

I'd say we're at the tail end of this current wave of idiocy.
The last week has been crazy with the amount of idiots joining the site.
It kind of comes in waves usually. We'll have a relatively long quiet period where it seems all the new people are here to actually learn, with a desire to give back and help others.

Then we have phases where it's like a boatload of newbies come on board one after the other, all with the same negative, know it all, condescending, lying attitudes.

I'd say we're at the tail end of this current wave of idiocy.
is it a 4 year cycle? I remember the last time I helped a new grower and he turned into a great now well know member who helps a lot of people. granted I sometimes take a year off before coming back for a few months so maybe I keep missing the good part of the cycle lol
You do not make the rules here. The only place on this site where commenting on someone's thread isn't allowed (unless explicitly allowed by the thread creator) is the Grow Journal section.

You can not tell anyone not to post in a thread.

Why is it that you think you're so entitled?
The world is his!!!!

my dad is exactly like this guy. Entitled prick thinks he’s the most important person on the planet. It’s usually from insecurity.
Move on clown you can’t even grow a weed. Move on to something else. Stop calling out @spek9. you’re a Dbag. That dude helps people all day everyday on here.

he’s clearly a sock. Kinda sounds like the no defol thread guy. His plants looked that horrible too.
Yo asshole, I’ve been growing fine without you for 3 years. I know or I don’t, I always got my harvest. So for you to sit there look like You’re the only people that can grow and hold this worldly secret , it’s just pathetic and sad! Why you say? Because cannabis is not different than any other plant, you can literally throw it in a pot and it will grow without any care. I have many plants that are growing fine with zero care and on tap water. So fuck you and fuck everyone who’s telling me I don’t know how to grow. Even with this problematic plant , I will get incredible harvest. If you’re so stupid to see that, that’s just sad. Some asshole there actually said my plants are dying. Just shows how incompetent and unknowledgeable some people are here.
The last week has been crazy with the amount of idiots joining the site.

Thankfully, this holidemic will be over soon, and all of these people who started growing because they got a stimulus cheque will go back to whatever jobs they lie about having, give up on the grow, and will be gone for good.

At least that's my speculation.
The world is his!!!!

my dad is exactly like this guy. Entitled prick thinks he’s the most important person on the planet. It’s usually from insecurity.
The amount of insecurity I’ve seen in growers, especially on Reddit, is insane. Everyone thinks they are an expert and then they wonder why they don’t get better at growing. This guy is a prime example.
Yo asshole, I’ve been growing fine without you for 3 years. I know or I don’t, I always got my harvest. So for you to sit there look like You’re the only people that can grow and hold this worldly secret , it’s just pathetic and sad! Why you say? Because cannabis is not different than any other plant, you can literally throw it in a pot and it will grow without any care. I have many plants that are growing fine with zero care and on tap water. So fuck you and fuck everyone who’s telling me I don’t know how to grow. Even with this problematic plant , I will get incredible harvest. If you’re so stupid to see that, that’s just sad. Some asshole there actually said my plants are dying. Just shows how incompetent and unknowledgeable some people are here.
That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!!!

Hold on let me check something.........

Nope still don’t care
Yo asshole, I’ve been growing fine without you for 3 years. I know or I don’t, I always got my harvest. So for you to sit there look like You’re the only people that can grow and hold this worldly secret , it’s just pathetic and sad! Why you say? Because cannabis is not different than any other plant, you can literally throw it in a pot and it will grow without any care. I have many plants that are growing fine with zero care and on tap water. So fuck you and fuck everyone who’s telling me I don’t know how to grow. Even with this problematic plant , I will get incredible harvest. If you’re so stupid to see that, that’s just sad. Some asshole there actually said my plants are dying. Just shows how incompetent and unknowledgeable some people are here.
Then why did you come here asking for help? Your plants are fine so just keep doing what you’re doing. You don’t need us.
The amount of insecurity I’ve seen in growers, especially on Reddit, is insane. Everyone thinks they are an expert and then they wonder why they don’t get better at growing. This guy is a prime example.

What was it that made you come to the prime example conclusion... the fact he said that his are the healthiest plants around when in reality they are dying? LOL
Yo asshole, I’ve been growing fine without you for 3 years. I know or I don’t, I always got my harvest. So for you to sit there look like You’re the only people that can grow and hold this worldly secret , it’s just pathetic and sad! Why you say? Because cannabis is not different than any other plant, you can literally throw it in a pot and it will grow without any care. I have many plants that are growing fine with zero care and on tap water. So fuck you and fuck everyone who’s telling me I don’t know how to grow. Even with this problematic plant , I will get incredible harvest. If you’re so stupid to see that, that’s just sad. Some asshole there actually said my plants are dying. Just shows how incompetent and unknowledgeable some people are here.
can we see your other plants as well please?
is it a 4 year cycle? I remember the last time I helped a new grower and he turned into a great now well know member who helps a lot of people. granted I sometimes take a year off before coming back for a few months so maybe I keep missing the good part of the cycle lol
LiSten let me make it easier for you. I don’t need your pathetic advices such as gear up with 100s of different nutrients, install a hydro and start growing on a schedule etc.. I know exactly I can go get even clay pebbles and load it up with chemicals and start growing like you! If you missed the thought behind my post and my growing , then don’t reply! Ya all so called experts that got a feeding schedule, 100s of nutrient types you got from manufacturer, follow ever droplet that goes in there, obsessively sit and check ph and this and that.. yeah I don’t think you need to be a genius to grow that way! Point here is, for someone that never checks PH or feed plants with commercial fertilizers, I think my plants are doing pretty darn good! All I need is a little fix unlike your suggestions to throw everything away and start over
He has split personality. One post he’s apologizing and the next going off.
I never apologized nor I will to stupidity. I only thanked and I am good to those that are to me. I don’t have a split personality, what I have is actually much simpler. I simply cannot stand stupidity moreover stupid people.
Why don’t you fuck off my post? I didn’t invite you nor I’m interested in your poor knowledge, all you do is bitch and bitch. I am nice to those that are nice to me, and you can see such replies to courteous knowledgeable posts. Asking me to get on my knees for your so called knowledge is absurd, sick and just obnoxious. So kindly fuck off
Still a moron, had you known a bit about nature you would have purchased a black fabric pot...doesn’t take genius to know that roots like dark, your white pot is not helping achieve darkness not to mention how dirty and nasty they will look in a few months
Fuck you are stupid. Sorry, couldn't help but lower myself to your 8th grade intelligence level. grow with your 1000 watt vivosun blurple light, that you overpaid at $ 99 an go back to growing your deficient bagseedplant and I hope it turns hermaphrodite for you ;-)
I never apologized nor I will to stupidity. I only thanked and I am good to those that are to me. I don’t have a split personality, what I have is actually much simpler. I simply cannot stand stupidity moreover stupid people.
And let me clarify when I say stupid it has nothing to do with you may not knowing the problem in question. Your stupidity shows so badly in all your off topic bitchy unnecessary comments !