Urgent help please!!!

Ok so I left my plant outside for about three hours from about 2-5. During this time it was about 43-45 degrees. I left it out way to long (got side tracked) Anyway now the leaves are dark green and really droopy. The stem looks fine and healthy like it did before, but the leaves are not looking so hot. Any advise would be appreciated.

EDIT: Ok so I am attaching some pictures, I think I am starting to see some greening coming back at the base of some of the leaves. Still a VERY VERY sad looking plantIMG_0308.jpg


Active Member
To add the main thing that must not be cold is the roots so if the soil feels really cold you will need to warm it up or you will get some defs


Well-Known Member
Manny's right, but don't be alarmed if in a week or so, you see a couple leaves start to turn black and dry out, it's a phosphorus lockout from the cold, but she should be OK.


Well-Known Member
I agree, she should be ok, btw, not too sure it's a good idea to put your plant outside, could bring is some bugs.
Yah I had some people coming over, so i had to move my plant outside for a bit, I didnt think It would get like this from being in 43-45 degree weather with the sun on it... Lesson Learned


Well-Known Member
Next time put them in your bedroom or somthing, it should recover just make sure it never experiences that type of weather again yo