urgent help should i cut the lower branchs

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
cannabis is a lot easier to grow than people think. just learn from the people here or please never come back again. nobody wants to help an asshole.

Now that was funny!
cutting off 4 branches wouldn't be enough to kill your plant, especially the bottom ones.

furthermore, you took advice from someone with 90 posts.

nothing against them, but i wouldn't consider them a "expert" There are people here who have a lot of experience. There are also people here who talk about things a don't have a real clue what they are talking about. You need to look at someone's post history before blindly following advice.

but again...i dont see how cutting just 4 branches would have killed your plant if it were 4x4 in size. Without pics...all of this is pretty much useless though.
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a guy with 31 posts is telling someone their problem was listening to someone with 90 posts?

I'm not insulting you Greenguy78...but seriously...why even make a comment like that? It is tantamount to directly insulting yourself.

Aside from that, last I checked, when people do post here, their plants don't miraculously spurt in growth because of it. In light of that, I would have to say that post counts do not equal growing experience.
If they did, I could rack up a ton of "growing experience" in a single afternoon just by going through every open thread in the forum and posting a damn pot smoking smiley face.

There are certainly people in these forums who have more experience than most could dream, and actually have very high post counts.
I personally prefer to follow the threads of people like Heath Robinson, OregonMed, and other people who can not only show their results but have a knack for explaining how/why they do what they do.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a guy with 31 posts is telling someone their problem was listening to someone with 90 posts?

I'm not insulting you Greenguy78...but seriously...why even make a comment like that? It is tantamount to directly insulting yourself.

Aside from that, last I checked, when people do post here, their plants don't miraculously spurt in growth because of it. In light of that, I would have to say that post counts do not equal growing experience.
If they did, I could rack up a ton of "growing experience" in a single afternoon just by going through every open thread in the forum and posting a damn pot smoking smiley face.

There are certainly people in these forums who have more experience than most could dream, and actually have very high post counts.
I personally prefer to follow the threads of people like Heath Robinson, OregonMed, and other people who can not only show their results but have a knack for explaining how/why they do what they do.
Sorta ironic in the way a guy with 39 posts is saying its ironic that a guy with 31 posts is telling a guy with 91 posts what to do? :)

I only have 107 posts. Anyone want to continue this? heh

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
my plants nearly dead from doing this
joined this site for help and info but got none
this is a fcuk mint site !!!!!!!!!!!!

cheers for nothing what a pile of poo this forum is wont ne coming back here for advice
cause guess what you dont get any fcuk mint that is

knob jocky's

So i take it thats the last post/thread we're hear from you!:clap:


Active Member
# of posts doesn't quantify experience by any means, but going by 1 posters recommendation without much other research is just plain stupid.

I don't expect anyone to take advice from me, I am by no means the most experienced grower, I don't mean to come off as such either. If you never take one piece of advice from me it won't have an effect on me. There is more good advice here than bad in a many cases, be careful who you listen to. Research the ideas you get from people here. Nothing is fool proof.

I'm not the one dolling out advice...or asking for it without pictures.

I'll let my grows speak for themselves...if u want to talk you know where to find me.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I don't keep track of how many posts I have, but I have 2+ decades of experience.

Clearing the lower growth is a good idea, as long as you don't remove more than 30% of the plant.

1. those lower branches are only going to produce garbage. By pruning the lower branches, the plants energy is directed to the tops.

2. increased airflow to the plant = faster growth

The plants death was unrelated to any advice given earlier in this thread.


Active Member
I agree, you're the knob jockey for killing your plant. Just loli'd this morning and my plants are loving it... :leaf:

luvvin growin

Active Member
Agreed,and good riddance to anyone who cant keep a 4x4 plant alive to begin with.Even Arjan at GreenHouse seeds cuts the lower branches of his plants,and they do not die.If the acclaimed King of Cannabis does it,I'd like to think it's safe.


Well-Known Member
Have seen you posting useless and pathetic comments fdd2blk. man do us all a favor and hit the road son !


Well-Known Member
The spammer lawyer, complainer, non believer. Mfer complains about this site but cant stay off it. Get a real nick


Well-Known Member
I rekon theres a good chance ur the same person who started this thread using a different account is that u there plant killer ??