Urgent help sick plant 6 weeks into flower


Hi, can anyone help, I flushed my babies 8 days ago, but it seems the problem persist. I'm just coming to the end of week 6 and the fan leaves are getting discoloured yellow from the tips/edge inward. I have them in a 50% multipurpose compost and 30% coco coir 20% perlite. added some blood meal bat guano and humus to the mix. They've been ok up to 3 weeks into flower, than I started to see the yellowing so I gave nuts from the flora series, I realized that the run out was too high so I flushed, but no recovery yet. The color of the leaves is strange, I have not found in all the net a pic. that resemble my problem. Can anyone help please. Pictures attached



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like magnesium with maybe a little nitrogen. Go to Wal-Mart and get some Epsom salt, works wonders on mag deficiency.


Well-Known Member
I take that back.. I thought it was interveinial chlorosis, but zooming in it looks like they chlorotic from the veins out. I've not experienced this one before..


Well-Known Member
Sorry to blow up your thread, but after a few Google searches I'd have to say it's some sort of viral/fungal disease. Maybe someone with a bit more experience may have a better answer. @moondance ?


Well-Known Member
Looking at it I think your on your way to the finish line now, you probably should not have flushed them, the mix of nutes probably would have just tip burnt them really, Finish them out, check the trics and chop when ready is all you can do now from what I see, way to much to come back from to green up again no way, only new growth will show green. How high was your mix? did you pull one out and see if anything attacked the root system? Sorry to be so blunt, i just got done with my car and I got tore up a little and I am frustrated now that I have it done LOL.


Well-Known Member
Do you recall what the runout pH was? I didn't see in the post where you named the strain you have but it says you are end of week 6, pretty close to the end of life cycle and maybe the particular strain you have does that? how long was gonna flower?


It is a strange thing I also have spent days on google to find an answer, the discoloring starts from the tip and edge inward, near the steam is still green, but this is happening to the bud leaves as well. Thank you Ltd420 anyway!!


Do you recall what the runout pH was? I didn't see in the post where you named the strain you have but it says you are end of week 6, pretty close to the end of life cycle and maybe the particular strain you have does that? how long was gonna flower?
They're two different strain, flower power and royal highness, they both have 8-9 weeks of flowering, and there is still 2 more weeks to go. I flushed because the yellow discoloring started from week 3, and is getting bad. The ph is always 6.2-6.8.