Urgent help!


Active Member
it started 2 do this earlier and didnt think nuttin of it now since i been back it looks like this
how can i fix it and make her stand bck up and perky:peace:


Active Member
it was rooted and everything i had in 5 gal buckets of soil then switched 2 hydro and it's been doing good 4 2 days then this happened


Active Member
what system you running? if DWC you sure your air pumps working properly or your air stones not blocked?


Active Member
im sure it's dwc my b and nuttin's wrong wit my air stones or pumps ill check but theres no yellowin or nuttin it's still a nice lush green


Well-Known Member
Its in shock, could be from the transplant, but i think that it would have fell over faster than that. check the ph. or try flushing and making new nute solution​


Active Member
are the roots getting wet? what's the root's look like? and the base of the stem, by the roots, how's that look? also for the time being mist the leaves with water.