Urgent hermie help


Well-Known Member
:cuss:a few of my plants were pollinated by hermies... i have seed pods growing in a plant that is 7-8 weeks in to flowering. the plant I'm very concerned about has about 70% hairs dyed back its calyx's are swollen. its about a week and half from being done im guessing. I will post pics in a minute. CHOP HER DOWN.. i really don't want to have my biggest and oldest and most ripe plant seeded to the teeth. I guess i've answered my own question ... but how can i stop the pollination of the other plants. and at the rate that it's matured if i keep it in there should i expect ALOT MORE SEEDS... shit i know the answer to this question .... better question ... how do i stop pollination?????? or slow it ... i have no other rooms to put them in. do i cut and count my losses or just let nature take it's course???? I will rep any help:cuss:


Active Member
it really sound like the damage is already done. you could increase the humidity, as the moisture in the air could cause the pollen to not blow around as much. spray entire grow area lightly with water so that any pollen will stick to where it is, possibly. otherwise whats done is done. Just makesure you completely steraize your grow area before your next grow.


Well-Known Member
it really sound like the damage is already done. you could increase the humidity, as the moisture in the air could cause the pollen to not blow around as much. spray entire grow area lightly with water so that any pollen will stick to where it is, possibly. otherwise whats done is done. Just makesure you completely steraize your grow area before your next grow.
so just let them mature seeds and all .... i really don't want buds full of seeds i'd rather lose a little potentcy then have my buds full of seeds .


Active Member
Tough call. My first grow went hermie due to stress, but, it was my only plant. I harvested it around the right time and it was full of seeds. I was lucky if I got an oz off of it. I have a small pill bottle that is half full of seeds right now, it was quite irritating.

.............man I am soooo high right now, lololololololol


Just get what you can now, its just going to keep growing them so cut your losses, what you should me more concerned about is where this male plant came from, mind you the pollen can travel for miles, still, you will need to steralize Everything before you start again, and no, if the pollen is getting to you plants, theres no way to stop it


Well-Known Member
Just get what you can now, its just going to keep growing them so cut your losses, what you should me more concerned about is where this male plant came from, mind you the pollen can travel for miles, still, you will need to steralize Everything before you start again, and no, if the pollen is getting to you plants, theres no way to stop it

I have heard and read the same thing .... I've also had people tell me to put the plant in a different room ... what happend was we kept finding bananas and picking them... They're stressed from light leaks and a fucked up schedule... anyways picked bananas .. i thought ... and today visible seed pods in other plants.... obviously these were pollinated.
My question..
I'm growing in a tent in my room .. i leave the vent holes open.. so i would imagine if this were the case there's a chance that pollen may be in my actual bedroom. How can i ensure or what could i use to ensure pollen is gone... and as a matter of fact ...the plant in question (that hermied) is the culprit still in the tent ...do i chop this freak down to prevent anymore development of pollen in the tent. It's not ready ...its matured but not to the point of picking. SO
Pick all the plants
pick the hermie thats pollenating
Whats the best cleaner to use to get rid of pollen????


Well-Known Member
I have heard and read the same thing .... I've also had people tell me to put the plant in a different room ... what happend was we kept finding bananas and picking them... They're stressed from light leaks and a fucked up schedule... anyways picked bananas .. i thought ... and today visible seed pods in other plants.... obviously these were pollinated.
My question..
I'm growing in a tent in my room .. i leave the vent holes open.. so i would imagine if this were the case there's a chance that pollen may be in my actual bedroom. How can i ensure or what could i use to ensure pollen is gone... and as a matter of fact ...the plant in question (that hermied) is the culprit still in the tent ...do i chop this freak down to prevent anymore development of pollen in the tent. It's not ready ...its matured but not to the point of picking. SO
Pick all the plants
pick the hermie thats pollenating
Whats the best cleaner to use to get rid of pollen????
you dont need a "cleaner" plain water makes pollen inert, also the pollen should only be dangerous for about 4 days, I have had this happen and the ones that got pollenated late should be good to smoke as they already have lots of trichs. ONes seeded early will stop growing and only really good for hash. Kill the hermie now its not worth trying to fight the sacks if they are too many. remove all plants and spray the room down with plain mist bottle. the problem is you dont really want to spray the buds this late or you can get mold. Just kill the hermie and spray the room well and make SURE to carefully spray the shit and clean your fan with room empty of plants. The fans will re pollinate the rest if your not careful also try not to bump too much shit around while removing plants, with the hermie spray the fuck out of it and bring it out of the room dripping wet so it does not get pollen all over then kill


Active Member
Oh nooooooo....you left the "Culprit" in the tent? Why? That should've been your first step. How long was (S)HE in there? I had a hermie once but I caught IT early and threw it out. As soon as you saw it you should've thrown it out. The seeds are worthless so I would just cut them now, or grow em out,get some bubble bags and hash em up.

Sorry and Good Luck!


Active Member
so just let them mature seeds and all .... i really don't want buds full of seeds i'd rather lose a little potentcy then have my buds full of seeds .
hey you could let the plant go all the way, i read most feminized seeds come from hermies (i could be wrong) but if its true and you replant some seeds you will have a better chance of getting more females, last time i had pollen in my tent i used a 10% bleach and 90% water mix and sprayed the whole tent then strubbed it, its a bummer i know hope you all the best in wot you decide


Well-Known Member
Oh nooooooo....you left the "Culprit" in the tent? Why? That should've been your first step. How long was (S)HE in there? I had a hermie once but I caught IT early and threw it out. As soon as you saw it you should've thrown it out. The seeds are worthless so I would just cut them now, or grow em out,get some bubble bags and hash em up.

Sorry and Good Luck!
I agree with the seeds being crap, at first I was saving them but then realized I have 3 strains going and have no way to know what exactly is crossed with what as I had a few, just learn from this and pay closer attention to the plant that starts well and then buds start to look strange and stingy


Well-Known Member
I agree with the seeds being crap, at first I was saving them but then realized I have 3 strains going and have no way to know what exactly is crossed with what as I had a few, just learn from this and pay closer attention to the plant that starts well and then buds start to look strange and stingy
cut em all huh???? this sux ..this was my first grow ...which explains my errors ..also the reason i kept the plant in because it was a stress induced hermie... people on RIU were telling me to just pick of the bananas and i'd prolly be ok...should've taken these freaks out.. well ..just goes to show you you can't trust everything people tell you... i cut two down ...the culprit may have been removed but i have a huge sativa that was a part of the crime ....... cut all the plants in the tent down... shit. ...i had an indica from some bag seed i had that was sprouting pink pisitls i bet it would've been great smoke .... fucking hermies. crazy thing i noticed about the seed formation though.. they all developed on the lower parts... also will seeded plants still disburse pollen even though they're females that were pollenated.. just a a question.


Well-Known Member
THEY HAVE BEEN CUT... 6 beautiful plants .... only about 2/3 mature .... this is the advice i've been given correct. It's a shame ..i noticed the lack of smell after drying.. is that due to immaturity??? Its sad.. like i said it was bagseed though. so it was free ...now my friends i will start in a few days to germinate.. Im going to post a thread with several questions to try and get some advice.


I would just watch for how many seeds pop up. The damage is already done so y not keep growin to get some more weight n now u kno wat to do next time. Those pics looked good regardless your gonna have good smoke!


Well-Known Member
I would just watch for how many seeds pop up. The damage is already done so y not keep growin to get some more weight n now u kno wat to do next time. Those pics looked good regardless your gonna have good smoke!
Yep that's what i should've done. BUT I panicked. I didn't want buds full of seeds and it seems they were popping up quickly.