URGENT need help


Active Member
Ok, so i found my little cannabis plant in the front of my apartment building and i wanted to take it so i did, it looks likes it's about at least 1 week old.

i wanted to know if 60 watts would fry this baby?
i am taking the plant in when it gets really cold outside, and when its warm which should be thursday, i put it outside.
the bulb is just your ordinary light bulb nothing special.
it gets really hot. i keep it about 5-6 inches away from plant and every 10 minutes or so i mist the plant.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, don't use normal bulb she won't grow under that atleast get a energy saving bulb (CFL) there so cheap and alot better


Well-Known Member
i believe your talking about a 60w incandescent light, which is not good for growing pot. you dont have any CFL bulbs around the house? a 13w cfl would do your seedling better than any incandescent

you certainly dont need to mist the plant every 10 mins; thats way over kill. misting isnt even that important and leaving drops of water on the plant can cause heat spots. let the soil dry out between waterings because searching for water lets the roots grow better

if i may, i sugest you do some reading. start with the grow faq here on this site


Active Member
oh and, if you think its a few days old because the picture says 3/28/2010 thats the 3rd day i had it after finding it outside.
the weird thing is, about 2 weeks ago i dumped all my old potting soil on top of it and didnt even notice it, im so glad i didnt kill it.

and since i don't think it will live long in my house, can i put it outside even if it's 46 low and 56 high degrees fahreint hieght for about 1 day and 6 hours?


Well-Known Member
yup use those bulbs, they are cfls. you can keep that bulb about a inch away. your gonna see that thing start to grow after you put that on it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, if you're trying to use an incandescent... I hate to say it - but you have NO idea about what you're doing.

Welcome to roll it up though, this website is a goldmine when it comes to growing cannabis.
Honestly, spend hours reading through the grow faqs and asking questions, because an incandescent bulb isn't going to do shit... Also misting every 10 minutes is way overkill... a seedling like that needs water every 3-4 days.... not every 10 minutes.

Sorry man, this isnt a game where you can just jump in and learn by doing.... learn by reading.... gain experience by doing..


Well-Known Member
I veg under 1000w lamps, so........ You'll be fine. :) Just make sure the top of the plant isnt too hot, easy to determine by placing your hand just above the plant and seeing if your hand feels too hot.