URGENT Please help me!


New Member
I've some problem with my plant,Super Skunk in soil outdoor 240cm (7/8 feet) ph 6,5. My plants are turning yellow bronze 2nd week flowering,some yellow leaf are on the top,here are some photos of leaf,please someone can help me with this problem?



New Member
yes i'm feeding,

2nd week flowering,i need to give more N or PK? are reparable this issue? some leaf have withe mini spots,can be overfert? If you help me i give u some buds :)


New Member
momentarily no,tomorrow i can make some pic,i feed every plant with same water and feed (6 plants) but only 2 of these look more yellow then other,buds are forming and leaf around buds look done im watering with tap water 7,2ph adjusted with citric acid to 6,5ph,