URGENT PLEAsSE!! major h elp on what i just did to clone please come in!!! thanks


Active Member

  • [h=2]URGENT PLEAsSE!! major h[/h][h=2]elp on what i just did to clone please come in!!! thanks[/h]
    i put a rockwool cube and the directions said to soak in water then to put a little phdown in so i did very little like 3 drops then when i took it out it was very wet soo i tried delicately to put it down and cut my clone clean razor blade at a 45 degree angle dipped in the root solotion put in hole and covered it a bit but the rock wool was liek really squishy and i but i tried my best not to lose the shapt of the cube but i did a lil and put it in a zip lock back witha with 2/10th of the bag open for ventilation please anyone just let me know if i did this right if not so i can change the method and save the lil clone now that it has only been ten mins in the bag thanks alot people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​



I always soak my cutting in good water for 20 minutes before using cloning gel. Put on heating mat if
you can to keep it warm.


Active Member
I always soak my cutting in good water for 20 minutes before using cloning gel. Put on heating mat if
you can to keep it warm.
so nothing wrong is the rockwool cunbe is like soaking wet????? thats what i did i put the cube in a glass of water took it out and then cut the clone 45 degree add roottech then place in cube didi do it right??? also i cut the leaves in by half to focus onn growing roots tahnks agian!


No what I meant was I actually soak the cut clone in water for twenty minutes before putting gel on. And that is just my way. Seems like u did good job.