URGENT QUESTION!!! (Forced early harvest)


Active Member
Hey, I am probably going to have to harvest my plants early, is it worthwhile to make bubble hash out of premature bud and leaves?

The plants have been flowering for about 2 1/2 weeks now, they have a bunch of popcorn buds about 1 cm wide.

Any input would be appreciated, first grow and forced harvest suck :(, would like to know if its worth it even to make hash or if it will just give me a headache and i should chop these ladies down.


Well-Known Member
what part of the world are you at ?? maybe you could plant them outside. or give to a friend.


Active Member
Damn, thanks guys.

I guess I'll let my buddy finish them in his closet, there are about three feet of snow here so I don't think they would do very well outside :P.

At least he is a good friend and we will have no problems sharing the harvest :D.


Active Member
ya know i heard with outdoor growing, thats it good to let your plants go through one good frost, not snow of course, but my pops said something about it, i was wondering what people knew!


Well-Known Member
well it's supposed to strengthen the stem, but how I don't know. But I live in a farming community and they all swear by this for all their veggies! but again we are talking vegetables not weed! honestly I'll never subject my babes to frost! Don't want to risk shocking them dead! If anyone has ever tried (and succeeded) with this method by all means post!


Active Member
well i know that pot plants are very similiar to tomato plants so yea
um my dad told me that he has had plants go through a frost and where fine, i grow indoor though so i dont have to deal with that