Urgent: Two of my plants are dead!!

please help me.. im absoulutely devasted. I planted 9 clones last week up in the bush behind my house, the soil is very good... one died, i knew it would because it barely had any leaves.. but i went up there to check on the remaining 8 today.
TWO ARE DEAD.. honestly it looks like they got pulled up, and something ripped and shredded the leaves because there were parts of them all around. im so fucking pissed off i feel like drinking a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

i have no idea how this could have happend, they looked ok last night and today, they are shredded. i seen a slug close by but.. the leaves were pulled apart!!
what happend! and how do i protect the rest of them? PLEASE HELP:joint:


Active Member
Squirrels love to dig my plants up, they often detach the stem from the roots. They dont eat the plant they just dig and bury acorns, birdseed etc in the soil. It sounds like squirrels to me.