Urinalysis... sigh... any advice?


Well-Known Member
bignugdoug, I am amazed that worked. Ordinarily they check the specific gravity and can tell it is diluted, thus the creatine. I once had to redo one, I was clean at the time, because I had drank a pot of coffee in the morning before I went in for the test.

personal lux

Well-Known Member
go to every head shop you know and ask for there best synthetic urine kit. they will hook you the fuck up for sure man.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
If you don't pass tell the absolute truth and beg for your job, truth is always the best, you needed to cope with your dogs surgery could not sleep, you used it medicinally to sleep etc.

Good luck next time be strong and stay clean when you know you have to, can't pay the vet bills without a job.



Well-Known Member
Already had it in mind SD. I'm definately a believer in Dtown's method however. I've seen it work with my own eyes. Dunno if it was a bit of dilution or the pectin, but I definately failed first test I took, and next day took exact same type test and had solid red lines indicating a negative result. Like he said, maybe it's magic or something I dunno, but it worked. I'd have to try it again after smoking some nugs, and I will, but for now, I'm a believer.

I still apreciate every single post here and to all of you grabbing the masking drinks and synthetics, you may be helping other people as well. Last test I took at a facility however had the chemicals in the toilet and everything to detect any masking drinks, so I thinnk as natural as possible is the way to go. And that test was to work at a damn potato chip factory, lol.

Thank you all for keeping this going and I'll definately keep on it till the test comes.


Well-Known Member
Well, my boss has made it clear he doesn't want anyone driving his vehicles... SMOKING MARIJUANA.... No sir, you're absolutely right..... da fuhhhhhk...