Urine as a source of N??


Looking for an organic (and cheap) way to supplement my plants with some N and came across a site and I quote;

'Urine is an excellent source of Nitrogen for marijuana plants, but as it is too concentrated to apply directly, it should always be diluted with water.'

Has anyone actually tried this? The idea has some appeal (readily available and you can't beat the price), but I do not, under any circumstances, want my weed to taste 'pissy' lol. Also I read it's easy to overdo N, so I am wondering how much and how often.

Here is a link to the site I got this info. from;



Ursus marijanus
It's piss-poor advice imo. The trouble is that there is even more Na than N in urine. Cannabis plants consider sodium to be a poison. The *only* way I would think of using "my own" N is by peeing onto a compost pile that is still a few rains from being garden-ready. cn


It's piss-poor advice imo. The trouble is that there is even more Na than N in urine. Cannabis plants consider sodium to be a poison. The *only* way I would think of using "my own" N is by peeing onto a compost pile that is still a few rains from being garden-ready. cn
Haha figured it was too good to be true

Any advice on a GOOD source of cheap, readily available source of N for supplementing?


Ursus marijanus
Haha figured it was too good to be true

Any advice on a GOOD source of cheap, readily available N for supplementing?
I done gone got me a 50-lb. bag of ammonium nitrate at the feed store. I actually used a few millionths of that supply on one of my plants just last week. Urea is also good cheap N, if you can find it ... cn


New Member
Geeze, I have seen a lot of posts on pissing in medium to add N. It just sounds to frikkin stupid to ever actually be of benefit. I wonder how many people see this and don't have the brains to ask another grower about it? A lot of 'piss poor' plants out there I am sure!


Geeze, I have seen a lot of posts on pissing in medium to add N. It just sounds to frikkin stupid to ever actually be of benefit. I wonder how many people see this and don't have the brains to ask another grower about it? A lot of 'piss poor' plants out there I am sure!
So true, I wish I had asked before I started pruning fan leaves on my first crop (very bad idea lol), killed two of my girls and completely stunted my harvest. Definatly pays to ask, good thing there are sites like these :mrgreen:

Makes sense that there is a lot of salt in pee; salt = BAD for any plant lol


Well-Known Member
If you were to try Id suggest boiling the pee first so that it doesnt develope a bunch of crazy bacteria in the medium, but since the salt OD would probably kill them anyways I guess it dont matter


Well-Known Member
well, ive used urine for about 3 years :)

cup of urine per gallon of soil at most and Then water as normal (small coffeecup..)

its actually pretty miraculous how good it works. (you need to put the pee first, fresh as can be, then water, same as normal (doesnt work as well othervise)

i use it for

1. plants with ph problems (works for me)

lol,actually if anything looks wrong and im not in flowering, ill add urine.

there is little to no smell and dissapears quick.

ive never seen "bacteria" or anything like that.

actually i see No difference between using this and commercial ferts, Except that my urine Works better.

this is my experience and i grow only for myself and im not gonna grow for you, but this is my experience. (betcha the naysayers, havent really tried it, if at all. (and those that did, did not put a cup at most (maximum, for a very poorly plant, and then water immediately after (till you have runoff) and remember to use fresh pee.)

you can do it different, but thats how i do it.


New Member
no bacteria br0 male urine iz sterile but u do get alot of sodium chloride (NaCl) which iz bad for da plant br0


New Member
yeah dude, well SEMEN has protein in it. Do you jerk off into your hand n then lick it up for vitamin content value??

do like your mom taught you bro, n flush when you pee. run nothin but water through your plant for a week. do that shit like every 2 days, and hopefully your shit will be okay.
yup, and collect your farts in a jar for C02, POUNDS OFF 10 INCH PLANTS MAN!
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