Urine screen coming in a few days


Alright so today I go to my first job interview since August and I get a job YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the bad news, they didnt piss test me, but say that they will call me roughly Friday to start work. They dont piss test before a job, BUT they test you randomly in your first 40 hrs of work so roughly between now and say next Monday the First. I have been smoking for a year and average maybe 3 bowl a day, but latley I have slacked off because of no funds. Usually me and the wife go through about an OZ ever 3 weeks or so.

Need GOOD VIABLE OPTIONS. I NEED!!! this job so, give me options best way to clean out FULLY between now and then I have started to drink water will probly drink 2 gallons a day until then.

I am not a big pop drinker and have been drinking Lipton sweet tea or peach tea for roughly 2 mnths, has this helped?? I usually drink lots of liquids but thc is stored in your fat cells and I am not very active because I have feet pains and priblems. I am 5'11 200 lbs and maybe 8 to 30 percent body fat. Try to stay under 205 but has been hard.

O and here is he kicker, I am being hired into scotts turf company LOL Perfect for a pot head and newbie grower ehh??


ok this what i did and worked and ill give you a great reasoning why it works too..

i know you dont have a clue when the test is but if by chance you get somewhat of an idea this may be a life saver

Take a j-e-l-l-o packet and mix it with a bottle of water and drink it right away then start drinking lots of water. if you know when the test is try to take one or two pisses before then. and this should last up to 40 minutes. (Make sure it is not a sugar free jello packet)

The reason this works is because THC is stored in your fat. Your body uses fat to burn as energy thus relecieng THC into your blood stream.
The sugar amount and other ingredients in the sugar sends a singal to your body telling it to shut down the fat burners because the amount of sugar and other chemicals in jello are suffecient enough for a short time frame to substitute to use for energy.

Hope this works for you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man....Get either someone elses pee or some synthetic urine at a headshop or from a shop on line. Keep it on you at all times.


Well-Known Member
What exactly do you mean by 'lately you've slacked off'?? Thats important info, not so much the rest of the year you have smoked..
Exercise exercise exercise while staying really damn hydrated.. (Its a great time to try to hit say 185lbs) ontop of everything else you try.. I'd highly suggest avoid trying to smuggle anything in there.. They may make that virtually impossible to smuggle, and they will test the temperature of the sample..
You might want to hit a medical forum and see if anybody can give info regarding how exercise and that sugar consumption play together time frame wise.. They're two opposing approaches, ridding your body of cannabinoids, and pushing them into a hidden corner.. It would suck if they just cancelled each other out..


Well-Known Member
When I was in college, every semester, my schedule was different. This unfortunately meant that I ended up working for several different employers when I was in college. Almost all of them sent me to get urine drug test. It would have been easy as pie to smuggle in and mix the powdered pee if I had needed to (I didn't use mj much at the time). For all except for one place. One place, they gave you 60 seconds only to pee, once you went into the bathroom and closed the door. Talk about fucked up.


Well-Known Member
And how would you get this powdered urine solution to acceptable temperature?? The only cheating setup I've seen that I'd try, is actual clean urine in a bag, wrapped with insulated nichrome wire, and an LM35 temperature sensing circuit, with a tube taped to the underside of the dick so the bag just needed to be squeezed.. My buddy actually rigged that up, but in the end he didn't even need to use it so I don't even know if it would be a sure thing.. He was worried that the plastic composition of the bag would be detectably different than the sample bottle..
And alot of tests have time limits..