Urine test tomorrow. Will Quick Fix work? Guess we'll see


New Member
So after researching methods to beat my pre-employment test i decided on QuickFix.
Or should i just use my wifes pee? shes 8 weeks pregnant tho, doesn't smoke obviously.
Already bought the QuickFix so ill post back to let ya'll know if it will work.



Well-Known Member
someone here was just mentioning how they passed with that product. I'm looking for a nice alternative to actually pissing in a bottle myself, pre employment also.
Anyone, anyone?


New Member
I hear QF works fine, but if the reason you are not using your wifes is due to pregnancy, you have nothing to worry about. It is illegal to test a drug screen for pregnancy.


Well-Known Member
I hear QF works fine, but if the reason you are not using your wifes is due to pregnancy, you have nothing to worry about. It is illegal to test a drug screen for pregnancy.
Ph is different from male to female from what I've been reading BUT in like the 90s I did use my sisters urine and passed. That may be why the nurse looked at me twice suspiciously .


bud bootlegger
Just drink 1 gallon of water and you will be fine. Don't waste your money on stupid shit.
Drink a gallon of water and you'll fail for a diluted..

Quick fix works fine... and no, they don't test male vs female piss as the test is expensive and usually only done for military type of jobs or ones for the gubment.. all other standard UA's don't test for sex due to cost restrictions..
I've used quick fix a good 20 x's or.so and always get an a.. :)


Well-Known Member
Use the product,
If you look it basically is the chemicals for piss in concentrate, then they have you flush your system with a volume of water or mix.
Without the trace elements they will know you drank tons of water.


bud bootlegger
Just make sure to use the hand warmer and keep it in the green on the temp strip on the bottle and you're golden.. pun intended of course .. :)


New Member
you guys are all very wrong.

a gallon of water to clean your system and youll be fine, are you fucking stupid???!?! dont be spouting off advice like that if you havnt the slightest clue, if you dont have anything smart to say, then shut the fuck up!!!

as far as piss tests, I basically do them for a living. been through 16 of them so far, passed 15.

those drink kits arent worth their weight in dog shit. and they taste like it too. the 60$ you spent on that 1 time use drink you could have bought a whizzinator for 90$ and used it until you retire.

if you plan on going the drink route, buy a few self testing strips and test your own piss before walking out the door. could save yourself a trip and some embarrassment. ive tried them twice, as well as quitting 3 days before hand and drinking cranberry juice the whole time, and both gave me fails. glad I tested myself. im a heavy smoker though, honey oil and hash and stuff not just the odd joint on the weekend.

theres too many variables with the drinks... how much you smoke, how active you are, how much body fat, etc...

its also illegal to gender test because of the transvestite freaks out there nowadays are whining and complaining. my buddy uses his gfs piss all the time, he does his in a hospital though which are less strict. those "surehire" places can be fuckin tough sometimes. hes also used the piss powder that comes in the kits. personally, if I got a 3500$ a week job on the line, im not risking it. ill use real piss, hell ill even syphon if out if I need to... kidding!!!

with the drinks, if your piss is too yellow, which it will be fucking glowing neon green, and if its too clear/diluted. you re test. as you know with those drinks, you drink it, take a piss. then your next piss, and only that one (maybe 2 after that if youre lucky) will be clean. and only the middle of the stream just in case. theyre very finicky. if they ask you to piss twice in the place, you might be fucked.

places are also catching onto the whizzinator thing too, they make you fill up lots.. more than the whizzinator can sometimes hold. and will also make you do it twice sometimes and you cant if your whizzinator is empty. I seen one guy freak out so bad I thought he cops were going to get called.

theres a lot of variables. I am in the northern alberta oil pach, where these sure hire places do 250 piss tests a day. so they know what theyre doing and theyve seen every trick in the book, theyre strict and dont fuck around. 60% of the 3,000,000 jobs up here are pre employment. randoms are illegal now. so dont let my post scare you, youre already going to be nervous when going in there (if you care about getting the job) so try to stay calm and remember, they arent suspecting you to cheat so dont act guilty sorta thing. its the last thing they expect, especially if you go in there dressed respectfully and clean cut.


New Member
ah shit, I thought that was a drink.. its a whizzinator type device. well that changes things.

the main thing to watch for is the temp. it needs to be between 90 and 100F.. preferably a tad on the high side.

and also be sure to get it right the first time, fill it over the line or they will make you re test... then what? I had that happen once. and since its your second attempt, its an observed one. I think they just stand behind you or something... dont think they actually look at your dick. anyways, I told the guy that I cant piss again, I just went 2 minutes ago and that im not gonna stand there and struggle to squeeze out a piss while he stares at my cock. "well sir, its a fail if you leave the buil..." *door slams shut*

I get my buddy to piss right in a cup in the piss test parking lot, fresh and warm. I also warm up all the tools (syringe, whizzinator, etc..) so it doesnt cool down, and run the heat in the vehicle, even if its summer to get yourself hot too.

dont rely on the piss to warm the cup up and the temp strip. (pray for the temp strip... thermometers dipped in the piss are no fun, more accurate). wrap your finger AROUND the temp strip, breathe on it if you need to.. especially before opening the door and handing her the cup. even if the piss isnt body temp, you can still make that temp strip turn green long enough. thats the first thing they check usually.


Well-Known Member
I used ready clean and its worked 3 out of 4 times....my new fav is actual freeze dried urine that is used to actually calibrate drug testing equipment... I forgot the name but I think I got it from cleartest.com


New Member
ended up being the US Healthworks testing office. Ok. So I did everything the quick fix asked. put on some boxer briefs and sowed the bottle with the heat pack attached to it into the front pocket like spot on the boxer briefs where u slip your junk out of when pissing. so that if they do want me to do the physical before the Piss test, the bottle wont fly out while your walking and doing the physical. but as it turned the pee test was first. I chatted with the lady about the weather trying not to seem nervous, she didn't pat me down or anything told me to remove everything out of my pockets. and go into the bathroom. poured blue stuff inside the toilet and said not to flush. I ripped the stitching off and took the bottle out and poured into the cup she gave me. Put the empty bottle into my pocket after sqeezing it to remove air and putting lid on while its sqeezed. so it don't stand out in my pocket. (don't laugh but i shook the bottle to make foam and then after pouring it into her cup, i put a finger inside and whirled it around. yes there was a lil foam!) The temperature on her cup said 98 degrees but in the paper she gave me said 96 so from the bathroom to her it dropped two degrees. on the spot she tested it for drugs, and lines appeared everywhere. But she also poured half of it into a separate container to be sent somewhere else. then i went to the phisycal. she took my blood pressure and left. after the phisycal she came back in to retest my blood pressure, asked if i drank coffee. i did but didnt say that i did, said that i drank a monster energy drink because had a long drive to their office. she said my blood pressure was too high, and she noticed my hands shaking, and said that a energy drink will do that and that i shouldn't have drank it before the phisycal. told me to sit down, and in a minute told me that im good to go. i left. wont know for a fact that i passed untill they call or something. but i start work on monday and today is thursday so im sure the test she did there will probobly count for now, unless the one she sent elsewhere fails. i was given the job start day before i took the tests, but i'm a referral to them. Obviously since i'm a noob at this site some will say i work either for or against quickfix depending on what the 100% sure outcome of the test will be. lol. I'm sure ill pass tho. Ill post back when i find out for a fact.