URINE to lower ph???


Well-Known Member
I def wont be pissing on all my plants. Im just testing a theroy I got from somone I know. Before this I used just plain old tap water with a ph slightly above 7. I started using urine on 1 plant to test the theroy and sofar its doing not too bad. a bit stunted looks like but its an autoflower. I am going to invest some cash into some good fertz and ph down for my plants when the cashflow picks up. for now is there anything else that would be safer to lower the ph in my plants that im using tap water in( other then the urine test plant)


Active Member
i believe people use dolamite lime to balance the PH.

not too sure how they affect the PH but other hosehold used items for growing are.

Hydrogen Peroxide.

i would do some extensive research before using ANY of the above listed items in your grow regime.
i personally do NOT recommend using any of them. aside from molasses.



Active Member
Just do a web search on contents of urine. It's quite interesting. If your using ferts of and kind, it probably has it in there, of course it processed and refined, but it's there. Wiki has an agricultural uses section on the bottom. I wouldn't use straight urine or even diluted personally, but people do and have success with doing so.
i used urine to grow and it works good but you cant use to much once every ten or eleven days is good plus it has nitrogen in it so thats good for your plant too but you have to dilute it 1 part urine to 15-20 parts water if you dont it can kill it obviousley you should use other kinds of nutes during the week when you dont feed it urine and if you accidentally use to much just flush the plant with a few gallons of water and skip a couple days of feeding after


Well-Known Member
i always use urine to fix ph or whatever´s wrong.
no muss no fuss (and no smell after you´ve done it)

its best to put the urine in first, then water like normally (works alot better, dunno why)

i use good soil (near black, fluffy, nutrient rich)
rarely need to fert or use urine.

could use that ph up or down stuff and carefully find out what wrong with the plant and what stuff i need to add or flush or whatnot.
but nowadays i just go "hey the plants are bit down or yellow or whatever, and hey, i got to pee! how nice for you plants :D"

few days later, happy green plants (works good in flowering too, havent seen it delay anything)
ive never burned a plant, even putting alot, but a small dab of piss goes a long way, though id put a cup or 2 if the plant was very poorly (small teacup mind you)

you could put a drop or 2 with every watering if you wanted to prevent ph troubles or other troubles and not mess so much with pee. (1-2% every time, instead of 10-25% occasionally)
this is just personal experience (picked it up from a shaman (more of a student, though teaching himself) that lives in the woods lol (though he just pointed out the pee first water next method)

not advising anyone to do this Foul and terrible method of growing. :D (though must say,was kinda gross when i ran out of pee and some plants were really doing poorly (small pots too long and untended, was busy with other things)well i asked the wife to pee in a bucket for me, morning pee, smelly kind lol. never seen such a fast recovery though and i was always impressed with the results my own pee gave me..

though my wife has a much better diet and does No drugs (i eat mostly meat along with pizzas and smoke alot of weed) she eats alot of greens and stuff, plus i burn my meat to shit :D
though.(again) ..i also tended to use more of my clear urine, never my morning piss and i havent tried that yet (usually alot darker)

went from yellowy wilty shits to healthy green strong plants in under a week (2 days really for the most part, but kept getting better for 3 more days, now they are just growing healthily))

usually dont give them bought ferts, sometimes give them water from the fishtank (taken from the filter with sludge) that water is ferted with minerals for the plants there. (cheap ferts)
dont really seem to need anything else than that and the good soil.

dont get any smaller buds now, similar size as before. just less problems with ph.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
no one is mentioning that the ph of human urine fluxuates throughout the day. depending on your health and what you've eaten or drank you may have acidic or alkaline urine. it's not a predictable ph adjuster at all.


Well-Known Member
typical run, plant the seeds in good soil, then water only, perhaps straight fishtank water every third watering.

might need piss once if i let them go to long in the pots or if something went wrong, but usually not. (except at the old place where water was 8ph, needed pee more often)
then transplant and usually into flower, where ill add fishtank water a couple of times, but usually water, since the transplanting added alot of nutrients.
the first watering in flowering would be fishtankwater though, to replenish the old rootball with nutrients, then just plain water next 3 times or 2 (Depending on the plants)

organic fertilizers need abit of time anyway to break down (and fishtank water with sludge is pretty strong( even if you have plants in the tank, if you dont, i feel sorry for your fish unless you have really good filters and pumps and change water often)


Well-Known Member
no one is mentioning that the ph of human urine fluxuates throughout the day. depending on your health and what you've eaten or drank you may have acidic or alkaline urine. it's not a predictable ph adjuster at all.
yes, have read that,

but, here´s the thing, anytime, somethings been wrong with the plants, ive added piss and the plants got better quickly.


Well-Known Member
but i will not debate this :) thats my experience, take it or leave it.

try it or not. (hehe tough i kinda think people against this, just have issues with their wasteprocess facilities)