US abstains in UN vote to end Israeli settlements

It is truly disturbing for Obama to appoint Rhodes, who the Examiner described as the “chief salesman of the Iran nuclear agreement” to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

Obama emboldened the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, the anti-Semitic Islamic Republic of Iran, that wishes to wipe Israel off the map, and now appoints the “chief salesman” of the deal that emboldened these terrorists to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council?

After Obama’s shameful refusal to veto a United Nations Security Council vote against Israel last month and his other actions/inactions over the last eight years, one begins to wonder why he is not being called out by the mainstream media for this clear pattern of anti-Semitism?
It is truly disturbing for Obama to appoint Rhodes, who the Examiner described as the “chief salesman of the Iran nuclear agreement” to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

Obama emboldened the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, the anti-Semitic Islamic Republic of Iran, that wishes to wipe Israel off the map, and now appoints the “chief salesman” of the deal that emboldened these terrorists to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council?

After Obama’s shameful refusal to veto a United Nations Security Council vote against Israel last month and his other actions/inactions over the last eight years, one begins to wonder why he is not being called out by the mainstream media for this clear pattern of anti-Semitism?

wow, you are really twisted into a pretzel. even trum's own advisors say the iran deal is good, should be kept, and prevents iran from getting a nuclear arm for many more years than they would have otherwise.

so now that we have established some actual facts, let's talk about how ivanka trump does business with iran, eh?

let's see how much you really hate iran and support israel. did you vote for the same guy that was endorsed by the american nazi party and the KKK, or did you vote for hillary?
It is truly disturbing for Obama to appoint Rhodes, who the Examiner described as the “chief salesman of the Iran nuclear agreement” to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

Obama emboldened the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, the anti-Semitic Islamic Republic of Iran, that wishes to wipe Israel off the map, and now appoints the “chief salesman” of the deal that emboldened these terrorists to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council?

After Obama’s shameful refusal to veto a United Nations Security Council vote against Israel last month and his other actions/inactions over the last eight years, one begins to wonder why he is not being called out by the mainstream media for this clear pattern of anti-Semitism?

By the way how did that vote go I believe it was something like 14 to 0 that's a real close vote
It is truly disturbing for Obama to appoint Rhodes, who the Examiner described as the “chief salesman of the Iran nuclear agreement” to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

Obama emboldened the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, the anti-Semitic Islamic Republic of Iran, that wishes to wipe Israel off the map, and now appoints the “chief salesman” of the deal that emboldened these terrorists to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council?

After Obama’s shameful refusal to veto a United Nations Security Council vote against Israel last month and his other actions/inactions over the last eight years, one begins to wonder why he is not being called out by the mainstream media for this clear pattern of anti-Semitism?
Obama emboldened the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, the United States. Fixed that for ya!
Obama emboldened the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, the United States. Fixed that for ya!
Terrorism is subjective.

The British would have considered the American Revolution as terrorism and insurrection, we consider it gaining our freedom from oppression.

If my country's democratically elected leader was deposed and replaced with a religious autocratic leader by a foreign power Id probably be pissed off too.

(We did that in Iran).
Israel has cut ties with 12 of the countries from the security councel that voted for the resolution
Britain,France,Russia,China,Japan,New Zealand and Senegal we may not even need BDS the way this is going
Forgot Spain and Egypt Uruguay and a few others
Israel needs to learn how to be a grown up nation. Even South Africa pulled its head out of its ass, after all.

Until they do, I will oppose any effort to support them- especially with my tax dollars.
especially with my tax dollars.
Especially at the expense of American lives

Make no mistake about it. American citizens are targeted and killed because of the American government's unyielding support for Israel. American soldiers are put in harm's way because of a direct response to the American foreign policy in regards to the state of Israel. 9/11, Beirut, Gaza/West Bank?