US attacks Iraq & the Embassy burns.

Using paid trolls like yourself to build up all that chauvinist angst with Kavanaugh and then making a meme to try to get people to quit talking about Russian attacking our democracies using this to troll their troll is...

Using paid trolls like yourself to build up all that chauvinist angst with Kavanaugh and then making a meme to try to get people to quit talking about Russian attacking our democracies using this to troll their troll is...


My people weren't trolled at all by the Russians. We trolled them with this. The Russians are actually more clueless than you are, and couldn't mastermind anything.

My people weren't trolled at all by the Russians. We trolled them with this. The Russians are actually more clueless than you are, and couldn't mastermind anything.


Your posts are void of anything but trolling. You are a troll, it sucks but it is what you do.

Your posts are void of anything but trolling. You are a troll, it sucks but it is what you do.

My people trolled over 173 million Russians with that crap song. It was so popular with Russians they made their own 2019 remake, translated it into Russian, and did parodies even.
My people trolled over 173 million Russians with that crap song. It was so popular with Russians they made their own 2019 remake, translated it into Russian, and did parodies even.
Did you guys then steal all those peoples information, download spyware onto their computers and then build profiles based on all of their digital information to use against them?

If not you did not out troll the Russians.
Did you guys then steal all those peoples information, download spyware onto their computers and then build profiles based on all of their digital information to use against them?

If not you did not out troll the Russians.

Ken M is the best troll, the Russians got nothing on this guy. My favorite was:

Steven Hawking is a polyatheiest and only cares about his agenda. As a polyatheist he believes MANY gods don't exist instead of just the one true Nonexistent God.