US Court: Ban on Gun Sales to Medical Marijuana Cardholders Does Not Violate 2nd

that MMJ card seems like a huge pain in the ass as far as firearms goes. I know it scares the shit out of people in AK who depend on their firearms to fill the freezer every year. Card holders are either denied or falsifying info on that form at purchase, shitty deal either way.

How about CCW and MMJ card? another mess I assume.


retards reply↓↓↓↓↓
A MMJ card holder can own guns. This is about buying a gun while having a MMJ card.

The swat pigs took my pistols, and the judge made them hold them for me while I was on probation, and then return them to me, as long as I registered them with the State. Once registered, the pigs had to return them to me, along with the bullets.

So in theory you can just get your guns in between the time when your med card expires and the time when you renew it?
Oh sweet , another one hahaa
Buck sock?
As close as one can come I suppose. Same 3rd grade "I know you are but what am I?" sort of content.
The ignore function will save you a lot of time winnowing through the BS if applied judiciously.

@rollitup had it right when he had unregistered firearms. I'm glad he was able to get them back even though he did finally have to register them.
Lists are not good things.
That being the case I try to stay off as many as possible.

I love the idea of MMJ and compassionate care and I am TOTALLY for it, but I don't think it should be administered by the state (or feds),
Rec usage production could be the same w/ decriminalization, but w/ legalization and the taxes that come with it, I'm not sure that is one that can be ducked.

Use a long standing and proven tactic of the gov't when asked about something important and lie (as long as you're not on an incriminating list).
The Federal form says "are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?"

Why on Earth would a medical marijuana patient say "yes"?
I would think it would be perjury if you are caught lying on a federal form. Especially because there is usually a clause that says, " I ____ declare that this information is true and correct... yada yada yada.
I would think it would be perjury if you are caught lying on a federal form. Especially because there is usually a clause that says, " I ____ declare that this information is true and correct... yada yada yada.

I'm afraid you've missed my point- if you are a legal user, why would you then declare yourself illegal?
Totally get why trying to buy a gun while you're high as fuck is illegal.
But I'm not sure it's illegal to try to get an mmj card when already in possession/ownership of a firearm. Meaning, the mmj card is not illegal, the possession of the firearm subsequently would then be illegal after the fact.

I suspect one would not win, but could certainly try their hand in court with the "after the fact" argument. Then again I don't see the ATF rolling in any lighter on someone they are cracking down on for possession of marijuana or firearms. They will bust your door down either way.

Is it illegal to buy a gun when you is drunk ass drunk? Just wonderin.