US Patent Pending Pot - US20150096230

a) Novelty; Prior Art.— A person shall be entitled to a patent unless—
(1) the claimed invention was patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale, or otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention; or...
It IS in prior use. Right now. By lots of us.
@ACE: Infringement has nothing to do with knowledge of the inventor or patent, rather with the practicing of the claims as taught. It makes no difference if someone infringes unknowingly or with willfulness - except you can get treble damages for willful infringement. Same as in crim law, ignorance of the law is no defense nor excuse.

Now, a commercializing inventor files apps to protect process or method of farming. If an alleged infringer (say Phillip-Morris) has prior-art to invalidate those granted claims - then they come forth, are heard, and the claims are invalidated. But, if they have no invalidating prior-art, and it's proven they infringe, then compensation and consideration is due.

So, unknowing infringement - compensatory damages from time of knowledge. Willful infringement - compensatory and treble damages. Every corporate infringer says. "I didn't know." to avoid 3X damages. :-)
This just proved to me that you ARE trying to be a patent troll. Case closed, I'm done thinking about it. You are a troll trying to get money for something people already do, that you didn't invent, that everyone already knew about and considered to be too public knowledge to patent, so you think you can patent it and then demand money from everyone who is already using it. I hope you paid a ton for your patent application, and I hope it gets denied, and I hope you continue to lose money on this bullshit, patent-troll wannabe quest you're on. I hope you go broke pursuing it and when you eventually become homeless I hope that someone sues you for unknowingly infringing on their "Patented" method of heating cans of beans over a campfire.
Apple patents idea's and process's. So do other major companies.....
That doesn't make it right.
WeedFreak78 is right!!! "Monsatan" can suck my balls (Cartman's too)! They have destroyed the right of the farmer to "clean" some of his soy crop for replanting the next season. Even if you don't run Monsatan's GMO soy, it infects surrounding fields by pollination. The resulting soy crop is now covered under Monsatan's patents because it will now show their gene's......They have what you might call seed cops watching farmers and bringing suit's on them and the "cleaners" that used to come in to make clean seed stock from the farmers harvest.....

Now then. The point of the above statement is to say that Monsatan can afford to have "seed cops" report those "stealing" from them.....
My question is, How are you going to gain access to these indoor pot "farms" of major corporations to "see" if they are infringing on your patent (IF you succeed in getting it)????

BTW......If you write down the process and design on a post card and mail it to yourself........You have just copyrighted the material..The cancelled post card is now Federally accepted as a copyright of what is on it! ...That can hold your rights till you can secure a patent....Kinda cool eh?
I love your points, other than that last bit which is an urban legend. Cancelled envelopes don't actually grant you any intellectual rights to the information contained therein. Poor Man's Copyright (Which is what that action is called) is not recognized as legitimate in the United States.
I decided to read further into this, and you idea is so vague youll never get anywhere with it. The facts are their is prior documentation of the root to shoot differential being done by several scholars. Youll have to patent you ENTIRE process and methods of creating this process. and by any producer changing 1 simple step or machine used in your process, he has then beat your patent. Plus i doubt you can affors to sue any of the people. Shit you clearly have a half ass patent attorney as is. Hes robbinf you and your to stupid to understand because your greedy and think your going to get somewhere with this. Your patent is from 2009, 2000 and fucking 9. Its been 6 years. Give it up.
I love your points, other than that last bit which is an urban legend. Cancelled envelopes don't actually grant you any intellectual rights to the information contained therein. Poor Man's Copyright (Which is what that action is called) is not recognized as legitimate in the United States.
Figures.....someone wrote a song and did the envelope thing...said they now had a copyright. I listened......fah.
try and sue my ass buddy or any other grower in the world. hope you have an endless supply of $$$$$$$$$$. be cause your gonna need lots of it.
Filed in 2013 and back and forth for two years and still no patent granted... Sounds like a BS application to me
Where u dropped on your head as a infant? U show signs of damage to your cerebrum. Clearly lacking reasoning. U have not discovered nor invented anything new. This technique has been in practice longer than I have been alive.......I am going to apply for a patient on a new technique on breathing. Then once granted I will come find u and charge u for every breath you take.

@Ace Yonder "I hope you go broke pursuing it and when you eventually become homeless I hope that someone sues you for unknowingly infringing on their "Patented" method of heating cans of beans over a campfire."............................I appreciate your creativity my man. I got a good laugh from that. Your awesome.
lmao, he even liked your post luimc. must have put on his padded helmet too tight this morning. or he forgot to remove it before bed time last night.
Well, y'all have made your opinions well known - although tact and diplomacy is lacking from most if not all.

Y'all keep crying about my method being known, but no one produces any invalidating references. I would bet the family farm that none of you, not one, has driven their shoot temps down to about 45 deg F and kept the root at 75 or 80 deg F for either all or a portion of veg growth - for any reason - and had no motivation to do so. All I've heard thus far is lowering root temp to increase o2 solubility. Yes, that is in very public domain. But providing cold shoots and hot roots for plant morphology - that is is not public.

But I tire of the din of ignorance and now come to the bottom line; put up or shut-up. Show me a reference. If I'm evil incarnate and you righteously wish me ill, produce an invalidating reference which will shatter all my work and dreams. Ask God to show you the "golden reference" on your quest and smite the nefarious blasphemer.

And, unless you're in the US patent biz, and have been for quite some time - you're really making a fool of yourself with your pronouncements. You're singing foolishness from the rooftops of ignorance.

I am telling you stubborn jack-asses that if you lower your shoot temp to about 45 deg F for the first third or so of vegetative growth, then switch to whatever method you use from there on out, at the end you'll have a ton more buds. Leave your pride and preconceived notions at the door. Listen and look, you may learn. But, alas some never will.

I'm not looking to sue anyone, and I sure don't want to stop mom-and-pop growers (hell, I want it to take off as did sliced bread). I'm just as pissed at corporate America and the abuse of the patent system as anyone else. I've been working with an former co-worker who is now Rep. Tom Massie's Chief-of-Staff. AIA and the pending Innovation Act are killing the small inventor. Where's Ben Franklin when you need him?

But, that abuse is not coming from garage inventors, it's coming from the large corporations. Google is lobbying, with taxpayers dollars, to eliminate the small inventor from the market place by making bringing a complaint so expensive that only international companies can afford it. Just like the inventor of the "intermittent windshield wiper" who was screwed over by the US auto industry. Just like the inventors of 100+mpg cars in the 20s-50s; the oil companies suppressed and bought up the patents for pennies, and entered into antitrust violating agreements with the auto makers. The Cotton lobby, the Soy lobby, etc. are trying to kill hemp dead in North America. Nothing new under the sun.

The problem isn't with the patent system or the citizen inventors dear friends, the problem is with corporations having more of a voice than the citizens themselves ( How do you think the Crash of '08 happened? By companies doing the "right thing"?

Pull your heads out people!!

Sincerely and respectfully,
channeling the spirit of Luther Burbank
my invention (and patent) has nothing to do with growing anything, totally unrelated. all I'm saying is i have been through the process and know what's going on with getting a patent. the #1 thing you should be concerned with is YOUR PATENT ATTORNEY, he is either a retard, or he is positioning himself to fuck you real hard......and for a long time (it usually takes about 3 years to get a review on your application). a lot of patent attorneys prey on stupid people like you with greedy intent, fuck off retard.
The dirty language tells me some of you don,t help out your wives. How would you like it if she told you off. This kind of talk is retarded! Smoking to much paranoid weed. Confused and nervous is what I think happened to some of you. Writing at someone like you are better than them, on a post where it should be most brotherly. Idiots.
Why do I get the sneaking suspicion this is just a Finshaggy puppet? I feel like the OP is about to tell us that milk will improve plant growth and he has a provisional patent on it already.