Well-Known Member
Not everything. You are particularly offensive; to reason, common sense and a sense of fair play, among other things.
The world really will be better off without you.
And you're not smart enough to they say it all the time. Hey shit-fer-brains, did you not watch the DemocRAT candidates respond "all lives matter" when they were all asked the question? They did the usual PC bullshit.
White privilege? There's that have-not cop-out. I guess Dr. Ben Carson had some special "black privilege" adorned onto him, eh? He got himself out of his youthful anger MO, worked his way out of poverty and became the world's finest neurosurgeon. How many of the black thugs on the streets of Chicago have those bragging rights?
Speaking of that, there is no white privilege. It's the minorities that get the affirmative action bennies, points for college admissions to fulfill gov. or local PC quotas, welfare entitlements.
"white privilege" my white ass!
smart blacks who hold high esteem for themselves know they don't need a crutch (quotas and Affirm. Action)
I've seen it in the cities where the majority population is latino. Education is not valued or reinforced as much as other issues considered of more importance in these cultures.
The world really will be better off without you.
And 'Justice' Antonin Scalia Is STILL a flaming racist bag of shit on the floor of our highest court in the land.
To the best of my (fairly extensive, thanks to my grandfather) understanding of my family history and geology, I have exactly zero black blood in me; but I stand with them.
What exactly is Scalia saying?You mean you were paid well to march in Ferguson as a plant?
I know, you did every thing you could to stop these thugs from destroying their own kin's businesses and cities as they looted and burned the place down, right? All in the name of "justice" of course.
Jealous of Scalia because he has the balls to say what everyone knows is spot on?
What exactly is Scalia saying?
Scalia may be a brilliant legalist, but he's still a piece of shit.
The man is the strongest argument in living memory for a term limited Supreme Court.
When you read his opinions, it's very interesting. I had to read them when taking Constitution Law, and sometimes I'd sit there and be like, "It makes total sense, I can see where he's coming from, and I fucking hate him for making me agree with him when I know I don't want to." Lol.
A little redundant aUncle Ben, your short stubby penis is short.
LOL, but even if he's a great guy everywhere else, his racism is still inexcusable.
But then, it must be asked whether he's just playing a particularly egregious devil's advocate? I'm not the guy who'd know, I don't do much studying on constitutional law these days.
Yep, "it is what it is": missed his point about Affirmative Action. Scalia is right and smart blacks who hold high esteem for themselves know they don't need a crutch (quotas and Affirm. Action) which is what Scalia is trying to point out regarding acceptance into the U. of TX. That school has tough and stringent standards. If you can't cut it, you don't get in. Many blacks and other minorities are not ready for "selective" or elite schools mainly because they don't get the parental support from parents. Parents (many are single moms) have to push their kids, set limits and boundaries....high goals.
I've seen it in the cities where the majority population is latino. Education is not valued or reinforced as much as other issues considered of more importance in these cultures. Successful people like Dr. Ben Carson are the exception, not the rule.
I moved from a community which was 64% Mex-Am to a community which is based on a German heritage.....German immigrants. The difference in the educational level and sophistication between the two is night and day.
Sorry, it is what is.
Yep, "it is what it is":
An investigation of the University of Texas at Austin finds the president likely swayed admissions decisions to aid well-connected applicants. Everybody does it, President Bill Powers said.
February 13, 2015
Ry Rivard
University of Texas at Austin President Bill Powers overruled his staff to admit well-connected students, according to an independent investigation released Thursday.
Powers’s philosophy could end up providing “affirmative action for the advantaged,” according to the report, which looked into admissions practices at one of the nation's largest and most prominent public universities. Investigators found UT-Austin, at Powers’s behest, may have given preferential admission to some students with moneyed ties or politically influential backers.
I'm not claiming that UTex is different from any other major university in relaxing standards for children of people with undue influence. But I do say that this claim of "tough and stringent standards. If you can't cut it, you don't get in." is bullshit.