US Surrendering to the Taliban...


Well-Known Member
Diplomacy is huge too. Do we want to just bail out, say fuck them, and allow the incubation of further disdain for America?
The founding fathers advocated being friendly and diplomatic towards our nations enemies.
Yes well there is a large difference between diplomacy and empire building.

I am not advocating ignoring Afganistan, I am simply pointing out the realities that are resulting from the actions of the current administration. Once our troops are gone our influence on the ground will be 0. Thinking it will be anything different than that is foolhardy.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Afghanistan was always about the cellphone gold, lithium. Who here wants to give up their cellphone? Until you can show me the majority of cellphones running on something other than lithium, we're not getting out.


New Member

They have taken our foreign aid and reconstruction and now will give us the finger.

Nothing you have said ensures in any way the country having a smidgen of concern for America.

We are being played for fools.

Time for us to go.

The left bitches about money spent on the war but then wants to spend billions to rebuild the country in some desperate hope that everyone will suddenly like us then.

We should have never gone in the first place...
Hell yeah! Ron Paul 2012! I knew you would come around!