USA based seed bank list

I'm assuming what you mean is if you try to pay with cc and it gets rejected, they'll do this. Otherwise, it makes it sound like the customer received their seeds and then got the charges reversed, which is theft and definitely needs to be reported.

If they are giving out customer information, that's shady as shit.. but I'd still need more proof than just "supposedly".

There was another thread on here but it's basically the latter of your two examples. They claim to have had over 100k in charge backs in one year. So if you order and then cancel the order and file a charge back then they will report your information. is a Hawaiian based seed bank although I haven't used them. And fyi seedbank for humanity seems to be out of business now is a Hawaiian based seed bank although I haven't used them. And fyi seedbank for humanity seems to be out of business now


Hugs and Kisses Dude! Gold here
Don't forget about us ;-)
I have personally ordered from seedsman Nirvana and DC seed exchange and I have personally found that Dc has one of the most smoothest purchases out there .. The transaction is quick and u will get your beans quick as F*ck excuse my French:-P ...Lol But seriously they are legit good prices good genetics and badass staff bro .... They even throw in freebies and stickers ( my favorite part) ... Another thing is that u don't have to pay for "stealth" shipping ... Like seedsman charges freaking 20-30 dollars to put your beans in some bull crap that they bought at the dollar store ... Literally open the envelope beans are right there stealth my ass ....
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seen my cars keys, I lost me car keys, anyone seen ,my Ferrari car keys...????

Quality does cost
Ummm let me.just say that I have tried Oregon n they don't ship to if your not in a "legeal" state.. stupid if u aske me. Lumber jack seed also I've tried n I have message them on social media pertaining to the issue. It doesn't make sense they do even have to go threw customs. Tell that will send to PA. That I can use my visa with. Because weeks of searching and a bunch of spam emails n order confirmations that ask bitcoin