you may want to tone down the whole 'if you are not from a border state' line of speech, it is just not true. i have lived in border states and non border states, not much difference in my line of compete with mexicans in either state.
you must not be a very good carpenter. my dad lives in phoenix, formerly a sanctuary city until very recently, and has no problem finding work. he does interior renovations and remodeling: cabinets, trim, hang doors, that kind of shit (and a LOT more). he has his own business and is his only employee. he gets by just fine. don't try to pass me this 'they took our jobs' line of bs. YOU LET THEM.
i am glad you at least talk some truth: based on what i have seen personally as well, i agree that most i have worked beside value family and religion much higher than anything material. very few exceptions.
you seem so upset that you had to learn spanish to work, boo hoo, cry me a fucking river. guess what, son? soon, mexicans will be the majority and YOU will be the minority, and legally to boot, and then THEY will complain about having to learn YOUR stupid language, which is about 3000x harder to learn than spanish. any idiot can learn decent enough construction spanish in 3 weeks. quit your bitching, it is a changing world and you have to change with it or be left behind.
i bet as you sat there bleeding in the er, you made it a point to ask everyone in front of you in line (based on criticality of injury, not race or nationality or legal status, by the way) whether or not they were else copuld you state so emphatically that it was 'illegals clogging up the system' otherwise?
as far as the crime goes, crime rates hold pretty steady throughout nationalities. methinks we would see a sharp reduction in border violence if we took away their gig by ending prohibition, as so many on this site would love to see.
in any case, just wanted to pop in and point out that you have no one to blame for yourself. if you work hard, do quality work, and keep your credentials relevant (ie you should learn to speak fucking spanish if your co workers are going to be speaking it) you will have no problem making a comfortable living. if you choose to eschew personal responsibility and defer blame to the boogeymen, you are going to end up writing a huge fucking rant on a pot growing website littered with words like 'faggy' and 'pussies' and 'illegal cocksuckers'....and it is nobody's fault but your own.
have a nice day
It's sad really.....people like you are the reason this country is going in the shitter. If it doesn't effect you than fuck it right? Your line of thinking is exactly why are wages are constantly being driven down do to the ability for an employer to hire someone cheaper. Oh I can't wait when they start snagging your jobs that require degrees. Also, I'm very good at what I do thank you very much. And why should I be forced to learn their language? My grandma was pelted with rocks and called a wop because she couldn't speak our language very well when she first came here from Italy. Did she force everyone to speak Italian? HELL NO!!!! She did her best to learn the language of the land so she fit in with everyone else. Sure it was fucked up the way things were back then, but damn if she didn't learn English. Also, just because I do construction doesn't mean that it doesn't require lots of education. I just finished my electrical apprenticeship which took 5 years of work and school. I'm now a journeyman electrician and to become a master, I will have had more years of school than most doctors so...... And what kind of thinking is that? They will soon be the majority and we'll be the minority so let's bow down and cater to them and learn their language? Truly ignorant and I hope your not a registered voter. No wonder we falling like dominoes, we are a country filled with ignorant people like yourself, people who don't care unless it affects them.