USA - leave if you want to save yourself

The best thing about America, is that when things get bad you don't leave, you stay and you fix it.
There is nothing wrong with this country, my country, that the people who are in it can't fix. When trouble comes home, we have a good long history of sticking it out and doing amazing things.

Buckle up, we've done it before, and we can do it again.
The thread starter is cannot just keep printing money to pay for wars and bailout corporations as has been done...the economic policy of the us changed years ago when the idea to just print the currency it needed was allowed over actually having anything to back it, such as gold...the taxes collected by the us each year can't even pay the interest on it's your research as there are already countries refusing to accept us curency, and europeans were warned about this many years ago...oh yeah but i guess the us can still sell more guns maybe as they supply about 90% of the guns sold to the entire world...none of it really matters though as long as you know who is in charge in the end....have faith.
The best thing about America, is that when things get bad you don't leave, you stay and you fix it.
There is nothing wrong with this country, my country, that the people who are in it can't fix. When trouble comes home, we have a good long history of sticking it out and doing amazing things.

Buckle up, we've done it before, and we can do it again.
hell ya are a TRUE American.
don't say you were not warned

sarcasm is a poor excuse for the inability to see what is going on around you
the problem can only be fixed if you realise its there

keep getting high and forget the problem
prove islam correct

to those of you who can see it for what it is:
seeing as you are surrounded by those other goofs,
do you really think the problem will be solved?

don't say you were not warned

america at its worse will still be a better place to live than South Africa
My common sense has overpowered my "faith that things are going to get better" way of thinking. I believe we have seen the best this country has to offer. Once a little panic starts things could get real nasty very fast. We are a nation of spoiled rotten people. It's not going to be pretty.
My common sense has overpowered my "faith that things are going to get better" way of thinking. I believe we have seen the best this country has to offer. Once a little panic starts things could get real nasty very fast. We are a nation of spoiled rotten people. It's not going to be pretty.

Things may get hard for some reason or another,Just went through IKE so i know.Im ex military so i have seen the best and worst of the rest of the world and the US is the best place to be if the shit hits the fan.You dont have to believe me but really ive seen it all.United we stand and theres always the part of rats leaving a sinking ship.It is always good to be prepared though.So do some research ,build a bugout bag,store food water and weapons[not stockpile and go postal] Be ready to hunt,Its really easy now that our technology is more advanced.Im rambling peace yall.
Absinthe is made of wormwood artesmia. Drink enough of it and over time it will build up in your system and poison you. I can't belive they are allowed to even sell it, yet pot is illegal.

Absinthe was in fact a dangerous drink, but not because it purveyed forbidden knowledge, but because it contained a potent neurotoxin, wormwood. The same psychotropic that affected those poets' perceptions also ate away at their brains. Consequently, at the turn of the century Absinthe was made illegal in nearly all of Europe. Today it is only available in Spain, the Czech Republic and maybe a few other countries. It is illegal to sell Absinthe in the US.


alright fine. im not a fan of animal cruelty anyway. but do you think absinthe is really the answer? seems like kind of a waste of alcohol to me:blsmoke:
Absinthe is made of wormwood artesmia. Drink enough of it and over time it will build up in your system and poison you. I can't belive they are allowed to even sell it, yet pot is illegal.

Absinthe was in fact a dangerous drink, but not because it purveyed forbidden knowledge, but because it contained a potent neurotoxin, wormwood. The same psychotropic that affected those poets' perceptions also ate away at their brains. Consequently, at the turn of the century Absinthe was made illegal in nearly all of Europe. Today it is only available in Spain, the Czech Republic and maybe a few other countries. It is illegal to sell Absinthe in the US.


thats all true but the new legal "absinthe" doesnt contain wormwood sadly. so all the true absinthely goodness wont ever touch your lips.
I imagaine you could, but would it be worth the pain in the ass it would be to do it?

I'll just stick to pot, I've done enough drugs in my lifetime, I'm good.
I drank it in amsterdam ,its too strong to tell ya the truth,But im not really a drinker i usually break out in handcuffs!!!!
If you live for work I feel sorry for you my north america the only reward you get for working hard is more work.
I've done a bit of foreign travel myself. Just last month bought a little house in the West Indies. I've been preparing for hard times for a long time. Our jobs are gone and our government has sold us out. We are quickly heading to third world. Everybody will be hunting.
Things may get hard for some reason or another,Just went through IKE so i know.Im ex military so i have seen the best and worst of the rest of the world and the US is the best place to be if the shit hits the fan.You dont have to believe me but really ive seen it all.United we stand and theres always the part of rats leaving a sinking ship.It is always good to be prepared though.So do some research ,build a bugout bag,store food water and weapons[not stockpile and go postal] Be ready to hunt,Its really easy now that our technology is more advanced.Im rambling peace yall.
Great points, rambling or not. :D

ALL nations have rough spots. As Murphy's law states, "What can go wrong, will go wrong." No one can expect things to be sunshine and daises forever. Nothing, no government, can possibly claim that.

The pictures I posted weren't just random inspirational pictures. Each of them was a great struggle that people of the time thought signaled the end our nation.
Instead, great individuals pulled together and made an effort. They got angry, and determined. We overcame the Great Depression, what more do you want?
Think about WW2. Rosie the Riveter (We can do it) represented all the women that replaced men in the work force. Housewives and mothers, putting planes together, rationing everything for the sake of the war. NO ONE would have considered that possible before it actually happened.

I don't think I need to illustrate the power and dedication of the people who fought for Civil Rights. Women, Blacks, Queers, (and other minorities as well) we all have people in our pasts that we owe respect to.

I like to think that bravery, ingenuity, and resourcefulness is in our blood. All those immigrants that came to Ellis Island long ago, they were the daring ones. They were the ones with hope, and ambition. They knew it was going to be hard, but they were determined to scrap it out for a chance at a better life. Now, decades later, in the form of all of us, they had it easy.

Just watch, we'll fall back on a strength we'd forgotten we have. There's always going to be people that stand on the side lines and say that the world is ending. Just the same, we're still here.
The entire western world is on the brink of disaster, anyone who understands economics and who has been observing the news lately should be packing for the '3rd' world.

Anyone who understands psychology, has already packed and left.

Do not say you were not warned.
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long it is the home of the brave. America is a nation with many flaws, but hopes so great that only the cowardly would refuse to acknowledge them.