USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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Well-Known Member
Really, what $15 an hour is going to do is drive businesses into automation quicker and quicker. You'll be driving up to a McDonald's and enter your order thru a keypad, then a machine will make your burger and you'll pay thru a bank machine teller...just wait and see.
Even if this becomes true, why do you have such little faith in the American economy that you don't believe people can find better work than food service?


Well-Known Member
Even if this becomes true, why do you have such little faith in the American economy that you don't believe people can find better work than food service?
That was just an example.......I can think of many instances where people can and are being replaced, which is already happening i.e. bank tellers, self service instead of cashiers in Home Depot, supermarkets, etc., online web shopping, etc., etc.


Well-Known Member
Even if this becomes true, why do you have such little faith in the American economy that you don't believe people can find better work than food service?
Arent these the very same people you are crying cant find a decent job now? So they are supposed to find a better job than the one they cant get? Seriously??


Well-Known Member
I thought you were ignoring me? You are a whiny little school girl who can't help but return for more abuse. Then cry about it all over again. Pathetic, yes, you are.
Oh sure that's what I get for throwing you a bone. You can tell a lot from a dog's behavior about the master and well your case is no exception.

No need to go full delusional on me, if you bend over and pull your pants down so pathetically I get inclined to inflict some more butthurt. Parroting doesn't make it any less wishful thinking, ask your attention-whore-club buddy shittystick.

i like that me, travis, and potroast got under his skin so much that we have become the same thing to him.

i bet they can cheer themselves up by taking 7 million pictures of their immature/tiny buds, choosing the best 14,000 of them, photoshopping the best 12 of those, and posting them over and over again until they think they are master growers.

i mean, it's a fucking weed.
lol (not your kind of "lol" but proper lol...). Thanks for that man, priceless free entertainment. :clap:
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Well-Known Member
That was just an example.......I can think of many instances where people can and are being replaced, which is already happening i.e. bank tellers, self service instead of cashiers in Home Depot, supermarkets, etc., online web shopping, etc., etc.
My answer remains the same.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Not my site, not my problem until they made it my problem. I never said one word either in support or against their seed business while I was there. To be fair, I only figured it out in the last year before I was banned.

Reasonable explanation. Sometimes its difficult to figure out the best thing to do when we find ourselves in these kinds of situations.


Well-Known Member
Lets say for a moment that I am having a nightmare and Hillary Clinton is now president and her first job is to ensure equal pay for equal work.

Could someone please explain to me in less than a page how this is going to be legislated?

First, how do you determine equal work?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Really, what $15 an hour is going to do is drive businesses into automation quicker and quicker. You'll be driving up to a McDonald's and enter your order thru a keypad, then a machine will make your burger and you'll pay thru a bank machine teller...just wait and see.
Of course. Been implemented years ago and will increase in frequency with many businesses.

I have a Roomba 880 with thousands sold each month. How many maids are being put out of business with those type of robotic household aids?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The really funny thing about this is that these two Brits are whining like teen-aged girls. When they don't stop, the Politics Forum regulars repeatedly put them in their place, yet they continue to whine, and actually come back for more. :roll:

Maybe they're masochistic butt buddies. :lol:
