The outcome has already been pre-determined, Hillary is the anointed one. The corruption has won, just like
@ttystikk said.
Mark my words, regardless of what else happens, this is Hillary's game now. Another 4 years of the Bush family in office, effectively.
Mike Huntherz presents a brief history of the US of A in my lifetime:
Carter happened, his bosses are basically the same as Obama's, but represent the power-elite nonetheless. Carter was pretty cool after he left office, though. Then from 1980 until 1981, when Reagan was shot and turned into a blithering idiot, he was president. Then George HW was effectively in control, and ran the whole Iran Contra shit like a CIA-boss. Then we have him for president, officially. Then he throws the re-election campaign (see Hunter S Thompson's Better Than Sex) and allows Billy in, because he played ball on the whole Iran-Contra thing, to which the Whitewater scandal is connected. You can research that on your own. (The Bush and Clinton families go on golfing vacations together, for fuck's sake) and so we had 8 years of Billy while the economy grew a huge bubble, banks, utilities and finance were deregulated, globalist free trade agreements sneak in, and the prison state was bolstered like never before. Then we had more Bush, and even more Bush in the form of W, and a terror attack closed the loop on the prison state, circumventing almost every constitutional protection we had, and now we cheer when robots murder Americans outside of due process under the law, we are OK with torturing people and universal surveillance. If we aren't OK with it, why aren't we taking the streets? Did I mention the economy tanked and created a
$1.2 QUADRILLION DOLLAR BLACK-HOLE in the form of toxic synthetic derivatives. That's 20 times larger than the planetary economy.
Obama's masters differed only slightly (the Ford Foundation, Brzezenski and Kissinger crowd, go read Webster Tarpley's books about Obama, do it.)
Now we're going to have the Clinton-Bush team again. If it isn't abundantly apparent the game is rigged and these are aristo-oligarchic dynasties then you're not paying attention or you're lying to yourself.
@ttystikk your post is spot on, and well said. I'm too pissed off to be cogent at the moment.