Usa!!!! Usa!!!!! Usa!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
We still winnin? I'm nowhere near a tv :/
Lucky, sittin at home enjoying the game, u smoking hash? Yeah, I bet ur smokin hash. Tell us who wins plz! I won't be home til late damnit :joint:


Well-Known Member
Nice. Don't care much for soccer, but I still have that urge to support american teams at international event. Though I'm not sure why anymore, nowadays america needs financial support way more than they'll ever need me cheerin em on lol.
And ill take any excuse to sit down and crack open a cold one and pack a fatty. :bigjoint:

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
yesss the next level...yess...cant wait...umm now what is the next level?
The next level is playing the winners of group D , this is interesting as im wondering if England have purposely avoided the chance of meeting Germany who as the world knows strike terror into England fans.Im unsure who the "also ran" of group C , England in this case might meet or if its the runner up to group D.


Well-Known Member
think we've got a shot, now that unsavory reffing has drawn attention?-

against brazil?


Active Member
No kidding, what the hell is up with FIFA reffing??? Cant bad calls be overturned? or do the refs have the power to pick what goals count???:?

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
No kidding, what the hell is up with FIFA reffing??? Cant bad calls be overturned? or do the refs have the power to pick what goals count???:?
No and not really , bad calls are never overturned and generally standards of reffing are much much higher , particularly with european refs.The Germany game is this afternoon , USA fans should watch with interest , this is who you will be playing next.


Active Member
Man, that was a really exciting game. I am so happy that they pulled that goal out in the final minutes. They really deserved to move on. Of course, that will probably be our last win, as Germany will no doubt mop the pitch with us. Still, a really great showing from the best U.S. squad I've ever seen. I can't believe we actually won the group over England.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
I just heard on TV lol i dont quite know why yet , but the runner up from group C will play the winners of group D lol and id bet my shirt thats going to be Germany.The USA as winners of group C will play the runners up in group D which at this point could be any of the other 3 teams , all of which are immeasurably easier than facing Germany.

Happy Days USA fans