USA's prison system surpasses Soviet Gulags


When you say someone had you..I thought you were saying someone had me. ... fooled me. When I tell someone that they've been had, they've been caught or fooled.


I think you thought I was not serious about the procreation thing. And then set to prove a point. No. I mean you served your main purpose for being put on the earth. That must be an awesome feeling.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
All that voted,...not just one. When you yes and no sir your superiors ..... you have even less.

So when you vote for somebody that kills innocent people, the blame is watered down and no person is then responsible for their own actions? Nuremberg trials come to mind Herr OddBall.


Well-Known Member
follow me not.png

And dangerous I`ll stop at the red X and wait with 3 over 3 till you ..... the green arrow comes around again.


Well, im off to my mental health appt. Hopefully I don't make my therapist cry again. I'm firing her today. Should be interesting.