USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

i am more intrigued with the bunny's assertion that feminists love gender roles, and am anxiously awaiting further explanation.
public pornography is not a civil right, although i'm sure you'll be tolerant of my decision to post gay anal fisting porn in your neighborhood.

and for the record, what woman are we going to war on?



Too bad for the progressive thought police that this is political speech and not pornography, huh Buck? Cry moar.
I don't understand how one can call the pictures pornography.

Sure, it is offensive and has no artistic value, but it has political value.

I think of it in the same light that I might think of a documentary on inhumane conditions of a slaughter house for beef and pigs.

It is the same as those old photographs of the black man who was a slave with scars on his back. Or the picture of the ARVN officer executing a Vietcong spy in the street. Or the dead and dying children of any war torn nation.

These pictures clearly show something that is without doubt a human being that has been savagely slaughtered so a woman wasn't inconvenienced by having to be a mother, all for a nominal fee by a doctor that does not understand the oath he took when he got his white coat.

Abortion is, and should probably remain legal, but people should know that it is a horrific act, and that it is a human being being ended, not a bundle of multiplying cells.
This is really only about censorship.

From OP: William Creeley, Director of Legal and Public Advocacy at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (F.I.R.E.), said the pro-life group’s posters and actions would be considered protected speech under the law.
if the signs have been permissibly placed on campus, is an act of vandalism and also an act of censorship, so we would oppose those kinds of vigilante responses to protected expression, regardless of content of expression. … I encourage folks who feel angered, disgusted, repelled, to respond with speech of their own, make their own posters, have their own protest.”

There is quite an alarming trend underway among the open minded "progressives" to simply squelch and aggressively stifle any and all dissent.
This is happening with greater frequency and I find this to be pathetic and sad.
Free and open debate is the best way to change and open minds.

Censorship is loathsome and disgusting.
A criminal is a productive member of society, while the unborn baby is a parasite. Of course they're not equivalent!

so all murder is not equal.... I smell a giant pile of steaming hypocrisy

good to know...

not all porn is equal either, apparently.

aborted fetus porn is perfectly acceptable and must be protected, but gay anal fisting porn is a no go and not to be tolerated.

hell, they won't even tolerate studying pornography within an academic classroom setting.

freedom. liberty. constitution. aborted fetuses. god. bibles. guns.
Do you support radical leftist professors infringing on the 1st amendment rights of young people?
That's really what this issue is about, isn't it.

tell me more about this right to display pornography publicly is a right, and tempting homicidal nutjobs with the names, addresses and headshots of abortion providers is totally not radical.

so all murder is not equal.... I smell a giant pile of steaming hypocrisy

good to know...

Murder: the Un-Justified killing of another person.

executions are not murder. they are justified.

meanwhile, a fetus has never raped murdered or robbed anybody.

i sense a tsunami of stupidity incoming.
not all porn is equal either, apparently.

aborted fetus porn is perfectly acceptable and must be protected, but gay anal fisting porn is a no go and not to be tolerated.

hell, they won't even tolerate studying pornography within an academic classroom setting.

freedom. liberty. constitution. aborted fetuses. god. bibles. guns.

I wonder why the lowest common denominator isnt outside fertility clinics displaying this sort of thing... when embryos get destroyed all the time as they have no need for them...

I understand... when you cant articulate your argument just go straight for vulgarity and shock value and just say it was free speech...
Murder: the Un-Justified killing of another person.

executions are not murder. they are justified.

meanwhile, a fetus has never raped murdered or robbed anybody.

i sense a tsunami of stupidity incoming.

All life is sacred according to Jesus... and Thou shalt not kill

And the killing of innocent men on death row is just par for the course too huh?

do you think in rape cases the woman has the right to terminate the pregnancy?
people have to sign up for the class, which is an academic study.

these homicidal "pro-lifers" are showing their pornographic images to anyone that walks by, in clear violation of UCSB's rules (as was noted in the article itself).

i'm not sure how you have the gall to complain of "radical agendas" when the group in question is posting the names, addresses, and headshots of abortion doctors so that christian terrorists may more easily murder them.

you really are quite a dumbass.

I am in complete agreement with Buck here.

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